for those that exercise before breakfast...

do you really believe it burns more calories? when i look at before/after pics of people that did the 30 day shred it seems that the people that had the most astonishing results are the ones that did their workout before eating breakfast...

do you notice a difference?

I dunno how they do it though because i am SOOOO tired in the morning.. where would you get the energy to exercise if you do not eat breakfast? do you drink water before though? I need better results ... so im seriously considering this... (but exercise before breakfast is drastic for me since i am breastfeeding and get hungry really quick)


  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I can't exercise in the a.m. before eating, i tried it a couple of times and then felt weak and woozy, had no energy. but i guess everyone is different. You might want to wait until your done breastfeeding.

    good luck!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    do you really believe it burns more calories? when i look at before/after pics of people that did the 30 day shred it seems that the people that had the most astonishing results are the ones that did their workout before eating breakfast...

    do you notice a difference?

    I dunno how they do it though because i am SOOOO tired in the morning.. where would you get the energy to exercise if you do not eat breakfast? do you drink water before though? I need better results ... so im seriously considering this... (but exercise before breakfast is drastic for me since i am breastfeeding and get hungry really quick)

    I've always tried to get most of my exercising over with before breakfast, just to get it out of the way for the day! :laugh:
    But, then again, my exercise is more fun than work. I dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria")
    It's free, (unlike a gym!) fun, and I can even watch tv at the same time, so I never get bored! :happy:
    I also jog with the Wii, and watch tv at the same time too, or take a walk if the weather is ok. :smile:
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    The nurse at my school said that it's important to eat a little bit of something (small, so you don't puke) before you exercise. She says it burns more calories because it starts your metabolism going.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    From a practical standpoint, it doesn't make any real difference what time of day you work out. Everyone has their own subjective feelings of how exercise works for them and they have their own scheduling challenges for fitting exercise into their routines. Just do it.
  • Rosebud1956
    I agree with Azdak, just exercise...:drinker:
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    It may be that when you start your day off with exercise like that your move likely to make healthier choices throughout the day. If you put off the workout until afternoon or evening its easier to talk yourself out of it. Good choices lead to more good choices right?
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 178 Member
    Im breastfeeding also and i've thought about that too, but i get really dizzy and sick. I'm thinking it's my body telling me it's a good idea to eat something small before i exercise. Not eating after 7 or 8pm has made a big difference in my wt loss in the past.
  • mickhow
    I had an exercise instructor who drilled us on eating at least 20 grams of protein at breakfast before exercising. She said if we didn't, we would be burning muscle instead of fat.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    If it does make a difference, I don't know how much it could make. When I exercise in the a.m., I do it before breakfast, but that's just so I don't give myself an excuse to not get out there and workout. There is something about what your body burns for fuel if you exercise on an empty stomach that's not supposed to be ideal, but I do what feels right for me....
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    When I exercise in the morning, the only thing in my stomach is a couple of swigs of water. I'm perfectly find with that. I'm not sure that it really aided my weightloss that I exercised in the morning persay, but I like getting it over with...fewer excuses for the rest of the day.

    As for breastfeeding, when I did and tried to workout before eating, that didn't work. I got really tired.