Scared to work out?

I don't know about anybody else, but I really have a tough time attempting to 'work out' in public, the ideas and trauma of people's thoughts and gazes, I just can't take it, even if nobody is doing such a thing. I mean can barely walk into my gym, let alone go for a run or a ride around my block in the morning.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't know about anybody else, but I really have a tough time attempting to 'work out' in public, the ideas and trauma of people's thoughts and gazes, I just can't take it, even if nobody is doing such a thing. I mean can barely walk into my gym, let alone go for a run or a ride around my block in the morning.

    So, work at home until you are more comfortable doing it. While I imagine if you knew how little anyone else thought about you when you were working it out it would bother you less, exercise should not be stressful. If you are more comfortable doing it alone, then do it alone.
  • AyanaSan
    AyanaSan Posts: 93 Member
    Until you get over this fear, why not workout at home? Try something like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or Body Revolution. There are so many great workout DVDS out there to get you started.

    I will say, people are not judging you when you're working out in the gym or in the park. A lot of times they admire you for trying to take the initiative to change. The gazes, stares and looks of contempt are usually aimed at the obese person gorging themselves on fast food and not trying to help themselves. But people can tell you this until they are blue in the face, until you find that confidence from within you're going to be ruled by this fear.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    You're definitely not alone in this, and I think the only way to really get past it is to just get out there and do it, and work on focusing on what you're doing, not what others might be thinking. Listen to music, or an audio book that helps to distract you.

    After a while, you should get used to it.
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    I echo what everyone else has said, you should work out in private until you are confident enough to work out in public. Different strokes for different folks, try to make your transition into a healthier lifestyle as "easy" as possible. Don't add extra strain and potential excuses by feeling like you have to go to a gym.

    I think most people here start at home and eventually, if ever, go to a gym or work out in public. It's not where it's how...
  • MrsAlexS
    MrsAlexS Posts: 7
    I felt that way at first and then went into the gym and realized there were so many people like me and everyone was just worried about getting themself into to shape. So dont overthink it just ump right in put your headphone on get some great music and you will be surprised and see at this point now I prefer to workout alone along the way I have meant some really nice people in the gym.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am working out at home and the pool until I get to a place where I feel more comfortable joining a gym. I know that probably sounds silly to a lot of people but I have anxiety issues that would affect my being able to successfully exercise in that kind of atmosphere at this time. But for now, what i am doing here and at the pool are working. :)
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I have that fear too! One thing that helped me was having a trainer show me how to properly use the equipment. Having the confidence that I would not do something wrong and embarrass myself in front of others helped me not feel quite so self-conscious. I also try to go during a time that the gym has fewer people. Although, there are tons of routines that can be done at home.
  • MarineWife0013
    MarineWife0013 Posts: 5 Member
    I understand how you feel, but you have nothing to worry about. Work out at home til you build up more confidence in yourself. Then hit the gym, and be proud of all the hard work you doing to change. Most people at the gym are too focused on working out themselves anyway to worry about anyone else. :)
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Take a look at this.

    Don't get fooled by the title... it's a ''must'' read for everybody and a great post!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Hey...I felt that way once. Now I'm a total gym rat.

    You can buy dumb bells and work out at home. You can find a gym that less intimidating - I go to the YMCA (more of a family & retired people).

    Bottom line don't let this fear stop you. Workout, workout hard & smart and in a few months you'll look and feel totally different.
  • Siggy86
    Siggy86 Posts: 5 Member
    Trust me when I say that no one is paying attention to you, so there's no reason to feel nervous. The gym is a place where everyone is literally focused on themselves and unless you're being overly obnoxious somehow (i.e. chatting really loud on the phone while on the treadmill or steadily dropping weights) everyone is pretty much tuned out to the other people around them. I agree with the other posters that said to work out at home until you are more comfortable, but if you prefer to be at the gym, put your headphones on, and strut in there as if you'd just won a marathon! :happy:
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    Trust me when I say that no one is paying attention to you, so there's no reason to feel nervous. The gym is a place where everyone is literally focused on themselves and unless you're being overly obnoxious somehow (i.e. chatting really loud on the phone while on the treadmill or steadily dropping weights) everyone is pretty much tuned out to the other people around them. I agree with the other posters that said to work out at home until you are more comfortable, but if you prefer to be at the gym, put your headphones on, and strut in there as if you'd just won a marathon! :happy:

    I agree people are so concentrated on their own workout they don't pay attention, I know I def don't I just go to workout do my own thing and that is it.
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    I know how it feels, but your don't need to go to a gym to work out. If you can afford a gym membership (I don't know if your gym is free, but none of mine are, and they aren't cheap), you can spare some money for some weights for home.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    As much of an outgoing person as I am, I've experienced that. I don't know how/what got me over it, I think maybe that I started when it was slow at the gym. Then I got more comfortable.
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    I'm totally with you on this one!

    There's no way I'd join a gym, I'd feel so uncomfortable, besides, I can't afford it!!

    I work out at home, I do 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 and other DVD's.

    I recently bought myself a bike, the first time I went out on it I was soooo nervous thinking people would be laughing at me, but in fact no one paid me any attention and I LOVED it!

    If you want to do it, just do it. To hell with what anyone else thinks! You go girl!! :wink:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Can I tell you a secret?? NOBODY cares what you're doing.

    If they do notice you...screw them. They're far more likely to judge you when you are out in public eating or something. If I notice an overweight person at the gym or running down the road, my only thought is "good for her/him" for being out there moving!
  • ally1130
    ally1130 Posts: 18 Member
    I had this same issue when I first started working out. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of other people. So I started working out at an all girls gym and only when it wasn't very busy. Also, working out at home with videos is a really good way to test your endurance and ability before you hit the gym. Now that I know how far I can push myself and what to expect out of my workout I have problem going to any gym. You just need to get comfortable with yourself and your workout style. :)
  • macsgirl526
    Try walking in your neighborhood.Thats what I do. I am also doing the couch to 5k thing but I do it in the back of my neighborhood where itsno developed yet so no one can see me run. its hard though I still very weird about it but then again I am doing it for me and not them.If they are going to judge then they need more help than I do. :)
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Take a look at this.

    Don't get fooled by the title... it's a ''must'' read for everybody and a great post!

    Wow! That brought tears to my eyes!
  • gladpants
    gladpants Posts: 26
    When I started my new lifestyle I had a fear of going into that gym, When i got there I realized so many others there were like me. Over weight trying to do something about it. Yes there are super ripped dudes there lifting a ton and one guy who just shows up all super jacked that I've never seen lift a weight. There are also super in shape women doing cardio with me. I realized however that I am there. I am making a difference in my life. I am making that change that those super in shape people would like to see you make. If anything those super in shape dudes are my motivation. I want to be someone who has been there and can encourage those who are not there yet. Don't let others deter you from being a new healthy person. That is no excuse. You are a paying member. Your diet and exercise regiment works for you and what ever they say is meaningless because you are not them. Keep it up and don't let your money go to waist.

    I throw my headphones on and rock out and barely notice anyone at the gym anymore.