Ok to combine calorie tracking w/WW's system of free points?

Hello All,

I am in a huge slump. Last year I used MFP for four months and got to a weight and pants size that I don't ever remember being. It was awesome. I was so dedicated. This past year, I've tried multiple times to start it up again and just can't get going. What sends me flying off the wagon the most is the calorie-tracking - having to track every single, little calorie in every single bite you take, or herb/spice/condiment you use. As a busy mom, it's truly grueling for me and makes eating a much more unpleasant experience. Another big challenge for me is that I only have ten pounds to lose - I'm at a healthy BMI currently and the weight I want to lose is not weight that I NEED to lose. So I tend not to stick with my diet/exercise because I mistakenly cut myself more slack with falling off the wagon; but that's not good! More of a problem for me is how my midsection (abs/love handles) and butt/thighs have become bulkier and my pants just don't fit anymore. I'm reaching my late thirties, and SO see my body changing. So I really need to tone those areas. But I digress.....here is my question:

Is it possible, or a big deal, to incorporate some of the Weight Watchers "free points" logic into MFP? Weight Watchers is not an option for me, as I cannot stand the idea of getting so few points for each day, which I know I would get. MFP allows me more food/freedom. If I did this it would make using MFP so much easier for me right now, even though my calorie intake would not be accurate each day. Any thoughts/suggestions? I truly appreciate it.

Thanks guys!
:) Lisa


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm not quite clear what your idea is. You can use MFP to track what you eat without having to conform to its targets. If you don't log everything there's a risk that you mislead yourself, for example not logging fruit then eating 500 calories a day of fruit and wondering what's going on.

    The phone app makes logging easier than running to the PC.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I've heard a lot of people say the "free points" system does not work for them, and I assume it's because fruit is considered free. A piece of fruit can easily be 100 calories so if you're eating several pieces a day, it adds up pretty quickly.

    It could work for you. Set your calorie goal lower and give it a try. It's better than getting fed up and quitting altogether.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Both WW and MFP operate on the principle that you lose weight by eating at a caloric deficit. Your body doesn't regard any food as "free," even if the WW accounting system does. If you're already perceiving that MFP allows you more food than WW, you might quickly find yourself in a surplus rather than a deficit if you ignore some your calories.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    All I can say is the new propoints system at weight watcherws didn't work for me but MFP does and its free! Log recipes and use my foods to make life on MFP easier. It doesn't really take that much time. I don't log spices (except salt) but I do log fruit and veg. I cook a lot from scratch but once you have a recipe logged you can go back to it next time.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Weight Watchers is not an option for me, as I cannot stand the idea of getting so few points for each day, which I know I would get. MFP allows me more food/freedom. If I did this it would make using MFP so much easier for me right now, even though my calorie intake would not be accurate each day. Any thoughts/suggestions? I truly appreciate it.

    Thanks guys!
    :) Lisa

    The new WW plan allows most women over 1800 calories/day. Actually there is no ceiling since fruit/veg is 0 points. But most eat over 1800/day on it. (It was too much for me but all I needed to do was lower my own points allowance if I wanted to continue.)

    I lost a lot of weight on an old WW plan that about 95% of food was 'free' and I only had to track things like sugar, alcohol, baked goods, nuts, fatty meats, some other things. Really any plan can work for you if it limits you from overeating the things that cause you to be overweight. So I would tweak MFP or WW all you want! :smile:
  • SeanNJ
    SeanNJ Posts: 153 Member
    +1 on what the others said about the fruit.

    I've always thought of systems like WW to be almost harmful. Granted, it's easier to worry about one number as opposed to half a dozen, but ultimately you're becoming reliant on a shorthand created by a company who has every incentive to keep you insulated from the information that allows you to do it on your own. I've heard the meetings are helpful, almost like group therapy, but I think everyone is better off reading labels, weighing portions and logging the specifics. Knowledge is power.

    I'm extremely busy as well. What I do personally is to plan as far in advance as possible, sometimes even logging my food the day before when I have that kind of visibility. Generally, this is easier than you might think. I find my only meals that really vary are dinners. My breakfast and lunch are pretty similar each day, so logging it is easy because it's all sitting in my recently used items, or I can just copy it from a previous day.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Weight Watchers is not an option for me, as I cannot stand the idea of getting so few points for each day, which I know I would get. MFP allows me more food/freedom. If I did this it would make using MFP so much easier for me right now, even though my calorie intake would not be accurate each day. Any thoughts/suggestions? I truly appreciate it.

    Thanks guys!
    :) Lisa

    The new WW plan allows most women over 1800 calories/day. Actually there is no ceiling since fruit/veg is 0 points. But most eat over 1800/day on it. (It was too much for me but all I needed to do was lower my own points allowance if I wanted to continue.)

    I lost a lot of weight on an old WW plan that about 95% of food was 'free' and I only had to track things like sugar, alcohol, baked goods, nuts, fatty meats, some other things. Really any plan can work for you if it limits you from overeating the things that cause you to be overweight. So I would tweak MFP or WW all you want! :smile:

    There is actually a ceiling. Fruit and Vegetables are 0 pts only for the first 5 servings, then you are to calculate the point values and log it. They really push the fact that you cannot eat unlimited, say, bananas and still stay within points.

    ETA: I lost my first 20 lbs on WW, then switched to MFP to have more control.. and because it's free. :happy:
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Thanks for the correction! Good to know!
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    Technically, you still need to count the calories, sugars, etc. on the "free points" of the fruits and veggies on WW. You just don't need to use any points on them on their program.
  • foranagirl
    foranagirl Posts: 64 Member
    There is actually a ceiling. Fruit and Vegetables are 0 pts only for the first 5 servings, then you are to calculate the point values and log it. They really push the fact that you cannot eat unlimited, say, bananas and still stay within points


    There is NO ceiling. All fruits, except avocado, and most veggies (excluding the starchy ones and beans other than green) are 0 PPs, regardless of how many you eat. People who are over indulging on ANY 0 PP items are told to review their food diary and reevaluate some choices. But the "count after 5" is some leader's/member's suggestion that's become an urban myth and carried over from years ago. It is NOT official WW policy. I challenge you to find where it's written in current WW materials. Furthermore, WW advocates eating to, not past, satisfaction. So eating fruit until you're stuffed is NOT being "on plan" with WW.
  • foranagirl
    foranagirl Posts: 64 Member
    I also don't know how you would count the 6th serving, given that all WW written materials and online tracker have 0 PP fruits and vegetables listed as--you guessed it--0 PP.

    Plus, the GHGs are for a MINIMUM of 5 servings a day.