Suggestions for someone who hates running?



  • slappymcgee
    My advice: use C25K -- and then register for a 5K in your area that is a few months away. I guarantee you that once you run that 5K in a race, you will be hooked. Don't worry or concentrate on speed. If you run a 14 minute mile, that's still running a mile. If you stress out about your time, or what others can do, you will begin to hate it. Take your time, and the key is getting through that three miles at whatever pace you are comfy with.

    Lots of people think running is a solitary sport, and it is most of the time. But, in a race setting magic happens. Runners come together, support each other, cheer each other on and help one another. You will find it to be fun and social. Races are my favorite part of running.
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    Buy a bicycle, you can start with a cheap one and upgrade if you use it a lot.....
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    When I started running I was about 75 pounds over weight, and literally I did just do it. I feel like too many people need too much help when really its simple. Yes at first i could only run for about a minute before dying, but I just pushed myself. Don't give up!

    Run, everyday, or whenever you can.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    I started by setting a definitive must do walking amount. ( my amount started with a 2 mile walk) I added running 10 steps per mile. I'm lazy so as my endurance came up, I would do a few more steps of running each mile to get the walk done quicker until all of a sudden, I was running a whole mile, then two, then 5 then 10 then before I knew it we were doing half marathons. :) You can do this if you want!! :)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I was running but needed a break. I bought a Latin Party Pack workout was $25 and I thought I would dislike it cuz I usually hate workout DVDs but I LOVE IT!!!!

    The pack has 4 workouts- all based on Latin dance steps and 2 weight bars and a 30 day schedule to follow...there is cardio and toning videos...pretty nifty and cheap for 4 aren't doing the exact same workout everyday so it doesn't get boring either!
  • ernielaurie
    been there done that! and at 90 pounds overweight! I started with 30 second run and 2 minutes of walking. slowly, and I do mean slowly that became 10 minutes of running 2 minutes of walking then 3 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking. Now I do half marathons, I don't run the whole thing, maybe 1/3-1/2 but I'm running some of it!!!! I run 1 song, walk 1 song as long as I can then I let my body tell me what to do. Don't worry about how long you run, just run!!!
  • missmigraine
    I have just started the couch to 5K plan (I'm doing day 2 today) and I also HATE running. A couple of tips as I have tried running before (and still hate it! LOL). Do as they say - go SLOW. My run is not a "run" at all - it is barely a pitiful jog. Just a little bounce at a walking pace - keep your steps SMALL. That made a world of difference to me. I was shocked that I actually got 'er done :) Try to keep a bit of a difference between your walking pace and your "run" pace - it's good to get your heart rate up a bit.
    Good luck!
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    Who says you have to run. Interval walking can torch plenty of calories and a treadmill will do the trick. 2 minutes walking good pace, 30 seconds walking as fast as you can, back to 2 minutes/30 seconds, etc. Start with just a 10 minute workout the first day. Gradually increase as you become comfortable to 30 minutes of intervals 5 times a week. You will see results without the stress of having to run. Many people never run and can get fit. :)
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    do you have a planet fitness near you? They have a 10 dollar a month membership. The elliptical is your bff. I hate to run, but on an elliptical I can watch tv/ listen to music/ read so its alot less boring

    I do, and i've actually been debating joining- the only issue I would have is they don't have childcare- and I have a 2 yr old. So i'd only be able to go when my parents would be willing to watch him- would only be two or three times a week.

    That's 2 or 3 times a week more than your able to get in now! I say go for it!
    Best of luck to you!! :)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I had a really hard time running until I lost about the first 50 lbs of my weight. Now it is WAY easier, at 90 lbs lighter.

    Just make sure you do some type of cardio. I injured myself running numerous times at 255 lbs (stress fractures, foot problems, etc.) so I started walking fast. Much easier on the body. I walked a mile a day, then two then three, then five. When I did start running I did so on the treadmill and alternated 3 minutes running, three walking....until I was up to ten minutes running.

    Even now that I *can* run (a seven minute mile) I am just not a fan. I will make myself do sprints at times and HIIT training, but I mostly stick to the elliptical and ARC trainer at the gym.

    If its just cardio, could you do a DVD at home? Something Zumba or aerobic?

    I have the $10 a month Planet Fitness membership and its honestly changed my life. If you can afford Gold's Gym, they do one person with childcare for $32 a month. Totally worth it if you go 4-5 times a week for an hour and it could be a lifesaver for you. Even if your parents could only babysit 2x a week I'd still do planet fitness. That works out to $1.25 per workout if you go 8x a month.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    If you have access to a treadmill, I definitely say try the C25K app/program. I started with my android and I actually got into running. I have bad knees and so I prefer to run on the treadmill than outside. Outside I love walking. The kid in the stroller was a great workout when she was little. Now the dog keeps me going. Try the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 videos. They're short and give you a good workout. I like her Yoga Burn too. Like other people said, if you have access to a gym, try some cardio classes. I need to start making my schedule work to go to more of them. Good luck!
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    I would commit to a 45 minute walk, bike ride or swim 6 days a week for the next 3 months or so and reevaluate at that point.

    I used to hate running, maybe even more than you. It made me sick, dizzy etc...

    I started slow, moved onto the treadmill and now I can run 5k without stopping. When your fitness improves and you see physical changes to your body your perspective will change.

    Remember it is not a race so ease into it.
  • NoSpandex
    NoSpandex Posts: 54
    Lots of people think running is a solitary sport, and it is most of the time. But, in a race setting magic happens. Runners come together, support each other, cheer each other on and help one another. You will find it to be fun and social. Races are my favorite part of running.

    Yes, yes, yes. I totally agree. I only trudge through the training so I can do the race! Also, if you can get a group of friends involved, you can do fun weekend group trips for various races. Lots of fun. We do half marathons when we go out of town, but there are tons of 5K's all over the country.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    If running is all you have, try a walk/run program like c25k. You can adjust the times to suit you better, just don't increase too quickly. Other than that, keep checking kijiji, Craigslist, freecycle, second chance sports, even your local thrift store for used exercise equipment. I bought a $25 rowing machine once, now I am on a $35 recumbent bike (which I found at the curb with the price tag still on). Yeah, it might be 10 years old or more, but it works nonetheless.
    Audiobooks from your local library can make you enjoy exercising even more - for example, I only get to listen to my favorite books while I am exercising ;-)
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    If running is all you have, try a walk/run program like c25k. You can adjust the times to suit you better, just don't increase too quickly. Other than that, keep checking kijiji, Craigslist, freecycle, second chance sports, even your local thrift store for used exercise equipment. I bought a $25 rowing machine once, now I am on a $35 recumbent bike (which I found at the curb with the price tag still on). Yeah, it might be 10 years old or more, but it works nonetheless.
    Audiobooks from your local library can make you enjoy exercising even more - for example, I only get to listen to my favorite books while I am exercising ;-)

    Craigslist is my best friend . :heart:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I am going to respond to everyone one of you- just bare with me...i'm at work so It may not be until later but thank you ALL for your responses!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My suggestion might be crazy.....but how about not running? If you hate it, don't do it. Find something you like to do. And if your only goal is to lose weight, you don't have to run or lift to do that. It helps and I strongly recommend exercise, but I more strongly recommend you do something you like.

    Buy a used bicycle. Try swimming. Or my personal favorite, pay $14 for a jump rope, find a spot in your driveway, and watch the pounds melt off in half the time.
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    I would commit to walking a certain distance and if you happen to run some of it, great! If not, no biggie. Why do you WANT to run anyways? It's really hard on your joints.
  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
    I hate running with every brittle bone in my body. My knees crunch when I bend them, I HATE the heat, and I hate that feeling just shy of passing out. Want to know what I hate more than those things? Being fat. That is my motivation to do what I loathe doing.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    My suggestion might be crazy.....but how about not running? If you hate it, don't do it. Find something you like to do. And if your only goal is to lose weight, you don't have to run or lift to do that. It helps and I strongly recommend exercise, but I more strongly recommend you do something you like.

    Buy a used bicycle. Try swimming. Or my personal favorite, pay $14 for a jump rope, find a spot in your driveway, and watch the pounds melt off in half the time.

    I actually have a jump rope- i'm mid move right now, and it's packed away in one of my MANY boxes... I do plan to use it though as soon as I get moved in :)