Pregnancy and Exercise...Need Advice! :)

I'm 25 weeks pregnant. Up until this point my only exercise has been chasing after my 16month old daughter, being outside, walking and swimming occasionally. But because of the heat, I haven't been outside to do anything lately! What are some safe to do exercises I can do in my home? I have a stationary bike but don't know if I should start that back up mid pregnancy. Thanks for any advice! :)


  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I would have to say that the stat bike should be okay as long as you arnt trying to do intervals or going all balls out.

    If you are really questioning it call your dr or dr's nurse.

    I am 29wks and still run 3-4x a week but I was a runner before and have been keeping it up with the okay with my dr.

    Good luck