Frustrated...need some suggestions.

I'm feeling a little defeated at the moment and I need to know what I'm doing wrong.

My goal 8 weeks ago was to lose 10 pounds. I've been tracking my food and my exercise and I'm getting close, but I don't think I'm going to reach my 10 pound goal. I only lost a half pound this week, and I don't understand why? I know I didn't exercise as often because I had some problems with my ankle, but I did exercise, and I didn't overeat my calories. I actually think I did better in that area than in some past weeks. I just expected to lose more for this week. I think I have about 3 pounds to go. Is there anything I should be monitoring more closely as far as food intake? Was it because I didn't exercise as much?

Any thoughts would be helpful!


  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm feeling a little defeated at the moment and I need to know what I'm doing wrong.

    My goal 8 weeks ago was to lose 10 pounds. I've been tracking my food and my exercise and I'm getting close, but I don't think I'm going to reach my 10 pound goal. I only lost a half pound this week, and I don't understand why? I know I didn't exercise as often because I had some problems with my ankle, but I did exercise, and I didn't overeat my calories. I actually think I did better in that area than in some past weeks. I just expected to lose more for this week. I think I have about 3 pounds to go. Is there anything I should be monitoring more closely as far as food intake? Was it because I didn't exercise as much?

    Any thoughts would be helpful!
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I missed my mini goal by 2 pounds at first I was a littel frustrated but then others on this site got me over that...I still lost weight, I will still lose more and I feel much better about will you.....only 3 more to go to hit your goal is GREAT!!!! Sometimes I think we get so wrapped up in dieting and exercise we tend to forget about life and just letting it go....I know that sometimes when I step out of the diet box things go the way I planned them.....I wish you the best and goodluck!

    Sorry not much of a suggestion...:smile: Because I think you are doing just fine!!

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Seriously, 1/2 lb loss isn't a bad loss, especially if you only have 10 to go. I know it sounds like very little, but remember, large losses usually mean radical changes in your body, and if you change your habits radically then usually you don't keep the weight off (that's why diets don't work as well as a change in your lifestyle). I would say 1/2 lb is fine. Take it slow, give your body time to adapt to it's new weight, that way, you can keep off the weight instead of yoyoing.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    It can be frustrating to not meet your goal, but you WILL meet it, maybe not in your timetable though. You don't have much to lose and I have heard that it takes longer to lose the last few pounds. Make sure you are eating enough and you might try increasing your work outs by 20%. I have heard that works also. I have been "dieting" (if anyone wants to call it that) since October and I have only lost 14 pounds, but I know the 14 pounds are going to stay off because they came off slowly and this is a lifestyle change for me. I wanted and should have been at my goal weight by now but I still have 10-14 pounds to go. Just be happy with how far you've come and try to change things up a little to see if you can get it kick started again. Hope this helps! :smile:
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    As your weight reduces, so do the calories needed to maintain your physique. Try recalculating your goals. You might be having a calorie target a bit less than when you started.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Razboo's right. At my halfway mark I readjusted my goals and my calorie intake, recommended by the site, went from 1570 a day (pre exercise) down to 1460 and that got me over my hump point to gradually start the process anew.
  • Condor
    Are you tracking your sodium intake? I know that when I take in too much sodium I retrain water and dont loose any weight. I also have to watch my carb intake. You can be way under your calorie goal for a day but take in far too much in carbs. I watch carbs, cholesterol, calories and sodium on my food diary - it helps a lot.

    Keep up the good work - it will pay off.

  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Well I think you've identified the problems yourself. You didn't work out as much last week and you aren't consistently staying under your calorie limit. Its not just a week by week thing, a combination of going over your calries a cuple of times in the past and not working out at much recently will all result in slowed weight loss. But don't get frustrated. You have lost weight and you should be proud for the progress you've made. You're doing good it just sounds like you need to buckle down a little more. Its hard but its rewarding. Keep it up!
  • Twinmom413
    Twinmom413 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks to everyone who responded. The support here is wonderful, and I think it's just what I needed to pick me up.
    Good luck to everyone and thanks again!