So I have had weight issues my entire adult life. I was a typical yo-yo dieter, never super overweight but never thing either (always around a 12) but if I needed to drop weight for any reason I could do it. Now that I have hit 30 someone seems to have sent my metabolism a memo telling her that her services are no longer required. I am working out and eating well and nothing is happening I have been sticking to my diet so-so for over a month (probably cheating more than I would like to admit) but the last 2 weeks I have been really good so I thought I would have at least shed 1-2 pounds, but again nothing, Here is my usual diet and routine, please let me know if you see any glaring mistakes I am making:

First the food:
Breakfast-3/4 cup non-fat greek yogurt flavored with honey and (4) fresh strawberries,
Lunch: Usually one of the following- bowl of ministrone soup/fish with steamed veg or fresh fruit with a small bran muffin(homemade, naturally sweetened with honey)
Dinner: Typically 4oz of protein, mostly chicken, turkey or fish although sometimes we will treat ourselves with turkey keilbasa or steak. Always baked or grilled. And a vegetable or sweet potato, also baked.

If I do have pasta its whole grain, rice is always brown and if I have a snack throughout the day it might be a banana or apple. My portions are in line with the suggested guidelines. And I have almost entirely broken up with wine, cheese and bread which are my three favorite things. My MFP goal is 1200 calories and once you add in workout calories I almost always have some left over.

Now the activity: I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and sometimes twice a day. A standard work out is 45-50 minutes of cardio and ive introduced about 20 minutes of weights ( although that has only been the last week or so). In addition to that I will also take my dog for a 20 minute walk when i get home.

I cant figure out what I am doing wrong. Please help!

EDIT: I'm 5'7" and around 200 lbs (highest ever!) and I never feel hungry, I may get cravings (see bread, cheese & wine comment) but I feel lik my body is getting the nutrition it needs...


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member

    try an exercise break for 2 weeks. No eating back, just walk and be active.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    This may sound strange but 1200 calories is not very much. I dont know your CW or heighth but that prob isnt enough if you are as active as you say. Read the forums on here about eating to lose weight.I am 5ft 3in and 159 pounds. I run 3 times a week and my calorie intake is almost 1700 calories a day and thats before I add exercise calories in.I do notice some days I do not get all my calories in and I also notice if I do that over several days I do not lose.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eat more and try to tone it back with the exercise for a week.. seems your burning most of your calories away and netting pretty low resulting in your plateau.