Looking for raw food friends

Transitioning to a raw food diet. Looking for some friends for support!


  • robinson
    robinson Posts: 11 Member
    I am in day 8 of a 100% raw food diet. I have a blog 100daysintheraw.com I have also posted it on this site. I would love to join you.
  • hi!
    My name is Lilly, I just started raw/ vegan on monday. So far I have had one or two cheats per day, something cooked, like beans or soy, and a little piece of raw goat cheese (vegan cheating) I'm coming from a mostly vegetarian lifestyle and looking to shed 5-7 pounds plus just detox a bit. My mood has been very sluggish but I think I am eating too many nuts and not as many fruits. I read if you do most of your calories from fruit instead of nuts you can really feel that raw food high that people talk about.
    Anyways, I would love to have a partner in this and go full throttle. I'm pretty good at posting my food and sticking to it for many months at a time.
    Let me know if you still want someone to partner up with share recipes etc..
    Thx! Lilly
  • I started. A raw diet today still researching and learning I would love some friends and support along the wayy
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Does a paper cut count? My thumb feels raw. Grin. Sorry. I had to jump in with a pun. It was too much fun.
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    I, too, am high raw but looking to be higher raw :) Always looking for support and friends :)
  • ThankfulinVT
    ThankfulinVT Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for raw friends too if anyone wants to add me.
  • Im raw most of the time to, if you dont count boiled eggs ^-^