Best Weightloss Help Books?

I notice alot of people reading weightloss book on here and I am just curious what you guys recommend:)


  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    My friend has read The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper. She swears by this book, lol. My brother and his friend have read The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. My brother and his friend have had a lot of success with it, however, it doesn't seem to be a way of eating that I would enjoy.
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    go to your local library and check out a selection of ones (there are loads) that interest you and that you feel you could do
  • candice382
    candice382 Posts: 60 Member
    YOU ON A DIET by Dr. Oz is my favorite
  • idream72
    idream72 Posts: 16 Member
    I really like Body for Life and Body for Life for Women. Not so much a diet books per se, but a book about better nutrition and exercise.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    IMO the best weight loss book is the one you don't buy. All the information is available on the internet, which you already have access to (you're here right?!?) :smile:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I found both Why We Get Fat and Good Calories/Bad Calories really informative.