Making extra servings, calories consumed?

Many of the meals i make are not just a one person meals, they have 5 or more servings. This is where i am getting confused. I understand how to use the food look up on myfitnesspal, but once i start mixing foods together to make the meal I am completly lost. So my question is how do i figure out how many calories i am consuming, when serveral diffrent ingredients are thrown together in one pot and it is not one serving?
Any suggestions please, just so confused!


  • This might be wierd but as everything I cook is at least for both me and my boy friend I weigh all the ingredients and work out the calories of each element add it all together then put it in my diary as the calories for the full pot and change my portion to say iv had 1/2 or a 1/5 or whatever. Bit tedious but works for me ! X
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Under the food tab, create a recipe. You total everything and then enter how many servings it is.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    2 things i do,
    1) put in the full amounts and work out the nutrition for the whole batch, then save as a meal.
    Then clear the dinner ( or lunch), and add a fraction of the meal u just created.
    2) work out what fraction of the batch u eat in one sitting and just put that in as a meal,
    Eg if therecipie calls for 2 carrots and u eat a quater of the batch , you just put in 1/2 a carrot.

    Not sure hat everyone else does.
  • Under the food tab, create a recipe. You total everything and then enter how many servings it is.

    Thanks i followed this..
    Went to my food tab, then recipies tab, then Enter new recipe..
    Then entered all ingredients in full, then entered the serving amout and it broke it completly down for me..
    If you are horriable at math like i am, this is a miricle!!
    Thanks again