New Girl.

Hey there! You can call me Bambi. I'm a 21 year old girl in New England. I'm on here because a good friend introduced me to the site, she also uses it and she likes it. So far, I like it too. Although I'm a little disturbed that my goal weight still puts me in the Obese category according to the BMI charts... But anyways. : P
I'm looking for support, because I hate working out on my own. I hate dieting by myself. And I love recognition and praise. At least the anonymous kind. I've been overweight ever since I was 14 years old. I was put on medication for depression and a few other things, and I just ballooned out. It was terrible. I literally gained 100lbs exactly just before the 6 month mark of me being medicated. I'm sure you can imagine how this effected me and my teenage girl life/growing up experience.
Having taken myself off meds when I was 17, I haven't gained anymore weight at all, and in fact - I've lost some weight. I used to weigh about 400lbs, now I'm down to 340lbs, and I'd ideally like to weigh around 190lbs. If I'd like to be smaller at that point, I'll go further. But I don't mind curves. I just want much smaller ones. : )
So yea, I'm here to make friends and help others keep on their own personal journeys, and hope to receive much the same.


  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    Hi Bambi!! Welcome to MFP.
    I have a thyroid condition so I am on meds for that and I am trying to lose over 100 pounds. Feel free to add me. I log every day. Good luck on becoming a healthier you!!