Hard time at Night

Have a hard time at night not to go to that Fridge and grab something to eat- So far I lost 20lbs I do great during the day its night time that gets to me- Have been walking at night and going to Curves!!!:happy:


  • MerBear30
    MerBear30 Posts: 31 Member
    I have the same problem. Do great during the day and start snacking at night ... add me if you want. I've lost 22 pounds so far thanks to myfitnesspal.
  • I have the hardest time at night too. Its mostly for sweets, but I like salty snacks too :-(
  • hbohne
    hbohne Posts: 2 Member
    One of my triggers is late at night too. I go roaming. I try to keep my daughters "lunch" items out of site in a box in the pantry so I don't see them. The voices in my head talk to me at night. They tell me I deserve a "little something". Then that little something turns into something big.
  • syrevitch
    syrevitch Posts: 8 Member
    oh, salty things - my favourite! Even a piece of plain bread with salt is delicious
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Save some of your budgeted calories for the evening. I have a small meal at 8:00pm.
  • lukasmy2k
    lukasmy2k Posts: 10
    aah yes i have suffered on this too!

    I found that 50g of extra light philidelphia is 55 cals (1/4 of a tub), use that as a dip with celery and cucumber sticks, add in some silverskin pickled onions and your away, less than 100 cals

    Thats my secret!
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 148 Member
    When you feel like snacking go brush your teeth. If you're bored, it'll give you something to do, if it's flavour you want the mint should take care of that. Plus once you've you've brushed your teeth you won't want to mess that clean mouth up with needless food, and it won't taste as good anyway.
    Try this and your dentist and waistline will thank you!
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    It's boredom that is getting to you. I was the same way, you fall back on old habits and you, like me, were an eater out of boredom. Get yourself out of the house until bedtime. I go straight from work to get my daughter and then hit the gym. By the time I am done, get home, give her a bath, and put her to bed it is 9 or past. By then I am ready for a shower and bed, no time to eat! This is what works for me, I hope it helps you out!