i'm going to eat like a pig

Just thought I would let you all know that I am going out to eat at my favorite place tonight for my mom's B-day. I know I am going to have a yummy steak, and everything that goes with it. mmmmmmmmm. But first I am going to go to the gym and work my butt off, so that this doesn't kill me too much on the scale lol:drinker: :love:


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oink oink!!:laugh:

    Congratulations on planning. Working out ahead of your calorie consumption will help you enjoy your treat without guilt. Hope everything is yummy!!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    That's the spirit!
    Work it off ahead, plan it out & have a great time!
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm glad you've planned ahead, a diet shouldn't make you feel like you can never eat something again. But just so your aware, red meat is awful for you for so many more reasons than just calories and fat. Nutritionists I've spoken with say a women should eat no more than 4 ounces a wk, none if at all possible. It is soo high in cholesterol and the saturated animal fat in red meat contributes to heart disease and atherosclerosis. Research also shows that frequent red meat eaters face twice the risk of colon cancer. Red meat is also thought to increase the risks of rheumatoid arthritis and endometriosis. So dont eat it!! Being healthy is more important.

    " According to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarian diets can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, colon cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, and other debilitating medical conditions. While red meat is a key source of protein and vitamin B12 in North American diets, nutritionists explain that properly planned meat-free diets easily provide these important nutrients while keeping you healthier in the long run."

    I'm not trying to lecture you, I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm telling you because I care. Heart Disease should not be the #1 killer in America! We NEED to change our diets.

    Do what you think is best. :)
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Enjoy your mom's birthday! I celebrate your momma every chance you get. Plus red meat is an excellent source of iron and protein and other vitamins and unlike beans will not make you fart l.:laugh:

    Have a great time.:flowerforyou:
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow! Some people really dont know a lot about nutrition. First of all, although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein.

    Also Broccoli has more protein per calorie than steak, as do many other vegetables. Plus if you insist on eating meat; chicken and fish are much healthier. Broccoli also has iron and iron absorption enhancers, as do many other vegetables.

    If you looked at my earlier post, ie the increased risk for disease, I would hope you would agree that it is much safer to get protein and iron from other sources. Not to mention the antibiotics, hormones, bacteria and all the other crap that is in meat.

    If you decide to eat red meat, I can't stop you, but dont pretend that it's good for you, its NOT! Really try to limit the amounts you ingest, your body will thank you! :)
  • slimmingmom
    Wow! Some people really dont know a lot about nutrition. First of all, although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein.

    Also Broccoli has more protein per calorie than steak, as do many other vegetables. Plus if you insist on eating meat; chicken and fish are much healthier. Broccoli also has iron and iron absorption enhancers, as do many other vegetables.

    If you looked at my earlier post, ie the increased risk for disease, I would hope you would agree that it is much safer to get protein and iron from other sources. Not to mention the antibiotics, hormones, bacteria and all the other crap that is in meat.

    If you decide to eat red meat, I can't stop you, but dont pretend that it's good for you, its NOT! Really try to limit the amounts you ingest, your body will thank you! :)

    Yea, she can get the nutrients else where..........but she wants RED MEAT! And they're not pretending it's good for them.....they KNOW it's okay with qauntity control. And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Yay Steak!!!! I say have a blast and eat what you like-youve put in the work and earned it. Although some might not believe it but there are people here that know quite a bit about nutrition and those same people would probably tell you that you can have many things in MODERATION. Since I don't have a medical degree and I am unaware of anyones medical history other than my own, I cannot tell you what would or would not be beneficial to your diet. Personally, I would much rather have a juicy filet mignon over a truck load of broccoli...but thats just me. Tell your Mom Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Wow! Some people really dont know a lot about nutrition. First of all, although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein.

    Also Broccoli has more protein per calorie than steak, as do many other vegetables. Plus if you insist on eating meat; chicken and fish are much healthier. Broccoli also has iron and iron absorption enhancers, as do many other vegetables.

    If you looked at my earlier post, ie the increased risk for disease, I would hope you would agree that it is much safer to get protein and iron from other sources. Not to mention the antibiotics, hormones, bacteria and all the other crap that is in meat.

    If you decide to eat red meat, I can't stop you, but dont pretend that it's good for you, its NOT! Really try to limit the amounts you ingest, your body will thank you! :)

    Yea, she can get the nutrients else where..........but she wants RED MEAT! And they're not pretending it's good for them.....they KNOW it's okay with qauntity control. And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...

  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Wow! Some people really dont know a lot about nutrition. First of all, although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein.

    Also Broccoli has more protein per calorie than steak, as do many other vegetables. Plus if you insist on eating meat; chicken and fish are much healthier. Broccoli also has iron and iron absorption enhancers, as do many other vegetables.

    If you looked at my earlier post, ie the increased risk for disease, I would hope you would agree that it is much safer to get protein and iron from other sources. Not to mention the antibiotics, hormones, bacteria and all the other crap that is in meat.

    If you decide to eat red meat, I can't stop you, but dont pretend that it's good for you, its NOT! Really try to limit the amounts you ingest, your body will thank you! :)

    Yea, she can get the nutrients else where..........but she wants RED MEAT! And they're not pretending it's good for them.....they KNOW it's okay with qauntity control. And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...

    Thank you slimmingmom - you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!
  • CourtneyF
    Have a blast. Birthdays are the one day of the year a person gets celebrated just for being them!
    And Angle face - just so you know red Meat, at 1.5 servings a week is high in zinc, which is important for a healthy immune system.

    It contains more iron than most foods, and it is more easily used by the body than iron from other sources especially if it is rare to medium rare. For women with iron deficiencies during their period this is very important. Besides Iron red meat is a good source of other vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium and b vitamins. As most know it is an excellent source of complete proteins. And a high-protein diet based on lean red meat has been shown to help weight loss. Women are at a higher risk for heart disease and dysfunction but if there is no family history, or health precursor going out to dinner and enjoying a nice cut of meat once in a while is actually good for you.

    If you do not agree then that is your opinion. I have been through years of school that say otherwise, and all of the research saying it is poison to the female body has been proven inconclusive.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Now that is the way to do it. I did that myself a few weeks ago with some center cut pork chops I wanted a little more than my usual 3 to 4 ounces I wanted about 6 ounces so I worked my butt off to be able to enjoy it and I did without the guilt. The scales were still friendly because i had the calories to spare for that much. Great job. God Bless, brenda
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks all for your comments:) I had a great time. The steak was wonderful. I chose not to have pop. I drank water, and I didn't eat all of my salad. When I left I didn't feel stuffed like I have in the past. Next steak will be on my birthday next month:flowerforyou:
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Oh and I had the small size steak:flowerforyou:
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Good for you, I am glad you enjoyed it!! :flowerforyou:
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member
    First of all, in my earlier post I mentioned it can be okay to eat it in moderation. Courtney you obviously know some about nutrition which is really what I want from people. I dont care if you agree with me but at least research it enough to form your own opinion. I would list better sources to get those vitamins and minerals you listed but I can tell people would just spout off about how much they dont like them. Sort of like my 5 yr old cousin.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry for trying to help you be healthier. Personally I won't support the torture and murder of thousands of helpless animals. Nor would I ever risk the bacteria contamination involved in eating RARE meat especially or any meat at all.

    Interesting article: News Flash the meat industry has been Unsanitary for a long time, try reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle", http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-woman-eats-hamburger-ends-up-paralyzed/
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    First of all, in my earlier post I mentioned it can be okay to eat it in moderation. Courtney you obviously know some about nutrition which is really what I want from people. I dont care if you agree with me but at least research it enough to form your own opinion. I would list better sources to get those vitamins and minerals you listed but I can tell people would just spout off about how much they dont like them. Sort of like my 5 yr old cousin.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry for trying to help you be healthier. Personally I won't support the torture and murder of thousands of helpless animals. Nor would I ever risk the bacteria contamination involved in eating RARE meat especially or any meat at all.

    Interesting article: News Flash the meat industry has been Unsanitary for a long time, try reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle", http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-woman-eats-hamburger-ends-up-paralyzed/

    Advice is generally more appreciated when it's SOLICITED.

    OP, great job planning ahead and enjoying yourself!
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member
    And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...

    Lol! For one I'm not "hoping" she doesn't eat red meat, I just think she has the right to be informed and then make her own descision. I think you personally should eat all the red meat you want. Also your right quantity of comments is sooo much more important than quality.....wait that's not true....isn't that the thinking that got you into this mess in the first place. Im am very sorry to have offended your notions of what this site should be. Personally I like to be given facts over useless opinions but that's just me. Anyways I think you should cook yourself a nice big slice of steak. Enjoy it!! ;)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member

    Advice is generally more appreciated when it's SOLICITED.

    Bump - so true.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    And you're right, you can't stop her, so quit hoping that you can. Considering you're new to this sight and have posted fewer than 10 comments, you shouldn't reply negative and also put someone else down saying they obviously know nothing about nutrition! I don't know who you think you are but you've obviously been mis informed about the benefits of this awsome site! We motivate eachother and SUPPORT eachother...

    Lol! For one I'm not "hoping" she doesn't eat red meat, I just think she has the right to be informed and then make her own descision. I think you personally should eat all the red meat you want. Also your right quantity of comments is sooo much more important than quality.....wait that's not true....isn't that the thinking that got you into this mess in the first place. Im am very sorry to have offended your notions of what this site should be. Personally I like to be given facts over useless opinions but that's just me. Anyways I think you should cook yourself a nice big slice of steak. Enjoy it!! ;)

    What are you, a first or second year nutrition student? You haven't even gotten into the meat of the subject yet. Come back and talk like that when you've gotten a B.S. in Dietetics.
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member
    LMAO! I love how you quote a comment that has nothing to do with nutrition to ask me about my background. Should I question your ability to read?