Calling for ROW THE WORLD 3 !!!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I don't have a team either and I don't want to be a captain, but if anyone wants me, I'm easy. I also work out 6 days a week.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'd like to join in as well, if anyone has room on a team. Thanks!
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    Done row the world and loved it! Looking for a team so let me know if u want this peice of awesome on your team;-)
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    Guess I should add I workout some EVERYDAY. Somedays are bigger then others average about 300 a day. But today alone is close to 800, however this is not the norm.

    So if someone wants me on there team let me know. IS there a group or some place where we all can follow what is going on and such?
  • kjwillie
    kjwillie Posts: 106 Member
    I want to join a team too, but don't really know how to do this. Anyone got a spot on their team? I aim to work out every day.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    AARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lee, starting a new Team, MBeach and I are the first two on our team, we need 4 more.

    Our ship is the Flying Dutchman

    One superstition has it that any mariner who sees the ghost ship called the Flying Dutchman will die within the day. (well not really, we're a nice group of rowers...however superstition has it....just saying...anyway where was I...oh back to the legend)
    the Flying Dutchman trying to round the Cape of Good Hope against strong winds and never succeeding, (hang tight there mates, we'll make it this time)

    We're setting sail Aug 1- Aboard the Dutchman, you will be expected to exercise daily and follow The Pirates Code:

    I. Every rower has a vote in affairs of moment; has equal title to the fresh provisions, or strong liquors, at any time seized, and may use them at pleasure.

    II. Every man or woman to be called fairly in turn, each mate will be allowed a shift of (exercise)clothes: but if they defrauded the company marooning was their punishment. And we will that mate in some uninhabited place, but somewhere, (the artic maybe).

    III. No person to game at cards or dice for money. (wink, wink we will bend the rules on that one)

    IV. The lights and candles to be put out at 12 midnight but if any of the crew, after that hour still remained inclined for drinking, they were to do it on the open deck.

    V. To keep their piece, pistols, and cutlass clean and fit for service. (Keep an eagle eye for the horizan!)

    VI. (skipping rule six.........what you do in your own bedroom is up to you)

    VII. To desert the ship or their quarters in battle, was punished with marooning. (we'll leave you plenty of healthy snacks)

    VIII. No striking one another on board.

    IX. No man to talk of breaking up their way of living,. (ah.....don't quit your job...maybe)

    X. The Captain and Quartermaster to receive two shares of a prize: the master, boatswain, and gunner, one share and a half, and other officers one and quarter. (no cash value attached to Row the World)

    XI. The musicians to have rest on the Sabbath Day, but the other six days and nights, none without special favour.

    So..............whose ready to dare the wind, the waves and the other rowing crews aboard the Dutchman.

    We need four more.

    Linn, waiting for you on The Dutchman

  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Woohoo! Adora, you are my leader! :)
  • Geekyfatgirl
    Geekyfatgirl Posts: 164 Member
    Ohh! I am so in on this! It sounds like fun!
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    Sounds fabulous! Can I join?
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    The Flying Dutchman is full, good luck Rowers!

    If you don't have a team, start one!

    Best of luck everyone.....but then in this challenge, everyone wins!
  • DarkAngel401
    DarkAngel401 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. Working on a team currently.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    I'm still interested. And still like to join a team. I don't want to be skipper cause I don't think I have the time to devote to being that but willing and wanting to help out a team.
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Sounds awesome, any team need a member?
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
  • MarinaPacheco
    MarinaPacheco Posts: 95 Member
    Bumping - got a team together now we just need to come up with a name!
  • Spudeata
    Spudeata Posts: 100 Member
    Anyone else need a team - let me know and I'll try and help out :happy: x
  • sublxed
    sublxed Posts: 10 Member
    count me in ill do it
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    I want to officially thank Lee for doing this challenge FOR ALL OF US!

    Lee is selflessly giving so much time to making sure we all lose weight, have fun, and to keep up with our teams progress as we row around the world---this is a monumental task, and I want to say from all us-- Thank you Lee.

    Lee, you are changing lives, and touching so many with your wonderful Row the World and other challenges. It takes a truly generous heart to be so kind and to help so many.

    You are a wonderful, funny and very very nice man. You make the world a better place every day because you are in it! I say bravo!!! Lee, you are terrific and everyone should tell you so!!!

    To all you other teams out there reading this........we on the Flying Dutchman, are polishing our rows, cleaning our hull, stocking with up low cal rum, washing our exercise gloves and keeping a weather eye on the horizan.

    Capt'n Linn---THE FLYING DUTCHMAN.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I'm on a boat.

    No really. I'm already on a team and excited to tear it up.