Money, money, money, money... MONEY



  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member

    We're paying rent and the mortgage on my bf's house because we can't get anyone to rent that (it's 120 miles away so we can't live there)

    Also we're going to Thailand for Xmas whether we like it or not because his mam is loaded and is buying us tickets so we've to save for accommodation and spending money too.

    I would try to rent it out at a lower rate eg 75% of standard rate but short term let for, say, 3-6 months - which means if things pick up, you can renew the contract at a better market rate. If the tenant is saving money, they're less likely to benefit from a short let.

    As for the holiday, I wouldn't go. It sounds like you cannot afford accommodation or the spending money, or at least could put that to good use elsewhere. I don't consider it a saving if I have to end up spending extra money that I can't afford. Ultimately, even if the tickets cost £2000 and the accommodation only £500, you're still spending £500.

    She bought the tickets for us as a surprise so we can't give them back. And we're only charging €550 a month for a four bed detached house which was at €700 when we're paying €1200 a month in a much smaller place. Unfortunately no one is looking to rent where he bought his house years ago
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Have you considered dropping the rent on your bf house as this might attract a tenant? Even if a lower rental income was less than the mortgage payment it would be better to have a tenant paying something than the house lying empty and costing you the full mortgage each month.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I appreciate all your responses and I know it looks like I'm making excuses but There's a restricted list of jobs that I'm allowed work as a second job. It's in my contract. I work shifts and most weekends and even have to work on my days off some days so even if I got a second job they'd be pissed off if I told them I couldn't come in last minute because my first job takes precedence.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    You don't need skills to be a virtual assistant. I hire them to make scripted phone calls for real estate investment, or write articles (information provided, all they have to do is string sentences together), ANY basic mundane task that you can do, people will hire for that have more money than time.

    Perks are you can do it from your home, the only equipment required is your computer, and you can do it any time, so the shift requirements would not be a problem.

    Just an option, there are many websites that provide a secure transaction so you're not taken advantage of (or vice versa if you're doing the hiring). Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    You don't need skills to be a virtual assistant. I hire them to make scripted phone calls for real estate investment, or write articles (information provided, all they have to do is string sentences together), ANY basic mundane task that you can do, people will hire for that have more money than time.

    Perks are you can do it from your home, the only equipment required is your computer, and you can do it any time, so the shift requirements would not be a problem.

    Just an option, there are many websites that provide a secure transaction so you're not taken advantage of (or vice versa if you're doing the hiring). Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, I'll look into this too
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Sarah, I'd definitely look at consolidating your loans, €1200 is a lot to pay out each month. You may end up paying it over a longer period but the monthly payment will make life easier in the meantime til you manage to sort out your bf house. Think that's probably your biggest problem at the moment tho but I know what is like trying to sell in the current financial climate.

    I've started shopping about to save money and find if I buy fruit n veg at the local market, it's not only cheaper but lasts longer too.

    another thing worth thinking about is looking to see if you've paid ppi on any of those loans. I recently claimed off a loan I had n got £5000 back which paid off the rest of my loan n bought a new bathroom which we were desperate for. Currently waiting to hear if we can claim off hubby's credit card which will help us pay off our debts. Martin Lewis has the template you need at moneysaving

    In box me if you need to talk hun cos believe me, I know exactly how you feel {{{hugs}}} xx
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    See if any of these might help:

    you do the jobs as you set times or days~
  • Ceffy
    Ceffy Posts: 235
    How about starting up Avon or Betterware / Kleeneze etc between yourself & partner (so as to work around shifts)?
    Limit presents etc to a small amount, making something for a friend of family member can be much cheaper and more meaningful.

    Do you use a letting agency for your OH's house? if not, might be worth contacting one, or if yes maybe try another?
    Is it in a location that you could market it for local events or a holiday home, or link it to something near by for hen's / stags?
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member

    Just to offer a bit of Irish perspective - have you spoken to you your bank about the loans? There must be a way you can extend the term and lower the monthly outgoings? You can get advice from MABS for free regarding mortgage payments:

    Have you looked into trying a different service provider for your utilities? Airtricity instead of Bord Gais for example? They might be able to save you a few pennies. Have a look at for more info.

    Regarding food, is there an Aldi near you? Honestly, it's been such a money-saver for me. I used to shop in Dunnes all the time, but an Aldi opened beside me and I've been going in there ever since. They have a Super 6 where they discount the price of 6 fruit/veg for the 2 weeks. Their meats are also Irish, top notch and cheap as too (they also have weekly special buys). As they don't pack their shelves with pre-processed meals, it encourages you to cook all your meals from scratch for feck all (also much healthier too).

    Are you claiming all your tax credits? Have you claimed for any medical expenses, bin charges etc that you could be due? Sign up for PAYE Anytime if you haven't done that at

    Lastly, I can recommend you have a look at - there's loads of fora on there that can really help you out if you're stuck.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    First, i would ask where you live at? i save money by growing a HUGE garden, raising some chickens, hogs, and cattle. I also hunt and save money by butchering an canning myself. its a lot of work, but it saves a ton of money.'

    Buy in bulk, make a shopping list and stick to it. Eat before you shop, that way you're not impulse buying.
    Try farmers markets, get rid of that high dollar cell phone, if you have internet, there's really no reason to have cable or Dish.

    Otherwise, look into debt consolidation or relief. Pay off the smallest bills first.

    She said she uses euros so hunting/livestock are most likley out of the question. Also I don't think europeans buy in bulk. They don't have giant kitchens and fridges like us Americans. Don't think I ever even saw a wally world when I lived in Germany.

    I live in a housing estate in Dublin, Ireland. Unfortunately chickens are out of the question. Food is very expensive in most supermarkets so I always search for deals or cheaper foods. I've used pretty much everything in. Y freezer and try my best not to spend. I've never had a credit card. I just wish I could travel back in time and slap the younger me hard and tell her to cop on lets you check which of the big 4 have the better deals and always user price comparrsion afterwards I've been up to £25 better off per month.

    good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    She bought the tickets for us as a surprise so we can't give them back. And we're only charging €550 a month for a four bed detached house which was at €700 when we're paying €1200 a month in a much smaller place. Unfortunately no one is looking to rent where he bought his house years ago

    I can only suggest you rent a smaller place still!