Exercise ~ What is everyone doing to meet their individual g



  • D_estiny
    D_estiny Posts: 8
    I work out 2 hours/day 3x/week. One day I do all two hours of carido and the next I do all two hours of strength traning.

    However, now that it is summer, I am going to be changing that. I am going to try and do two hour hard hikes for the carido and carido-boxing on other days. I will probally still go to the gym for strength traing, and maybe start up some pole-dancing classes for that. :P

    But yes, I do two hours of some form of high level work out every second day.

    I am finding it easy to maintain my body weight (from 199.8 and now 169.)

    Not only am I changing my working out because it is almost spring but because I need to kick start my metabolism again and get rid of those last 20lbs.

    Cruious, does this sound like too much or two little? Would love suggestions. :)

  • DianneLynn
    DianneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    I would think that to MAXIMIZE the benefits of your strength training, it would be better done 3x a week and before I commit to a time I would need to see what you are actually doing. Usually when a program is developed on the basis of 3x a week and you are still in weight loss mode, its best to do a full body workout. I read somewhere, that if you strength train and let too many days lapse before you train again, you don't reap the full, if any benefit, from it (maybe a little toning but not much in the way of muscle development). Weight training is either designed to do a full body workout 3x/week or what is referred to as "Circuit" training where you exercise different muscle groups on a daily basis. RKJ is the expert in that area....and it works well for him. Muscles need at least 48 hours to recover from a good workout before they are ready to be used again.

    Cardio can be done on your off days and is beneficial as long as that heart rate is up which you already know and are doing. According to the Bowflex trainers, they said never to mix cardio with weights and no more than 20 minutes of Cardio on your off days...of course those 20 minutes spent you should be pushing as hard as you are able. Whether to do weights & cardio on the same day is still up in the air...some say yess ...some say noo...some say cardio first. to warm up...some say cardio last to cool down...I think its gotta be left up to each individual on assessing what works best for them.

    FOR ME PERSONALLY, thats just too much time in the gym. My goal is to work hard, lose the weight while developing lean muscle mass via strength training and then streamlining my workout to get maximum results in the smallest amount of time to maintain my ideal weight. .

    AGAIN, if it works for you GREAT!

    As long as you are building lean muscle mass, eventually you should be able to maintain your ideal weight only spending 20 minutes in the gym strength training 3x a week.

    Its great that you are so active and if all of that fits into your lifestyle thats wonderful, I guess my question to you is...Will you always have this much time to commit to maintaining your ideal body weight?

    What we all have to keep in mind when entering these discussions as well, is that there is clearly a marked difference between our ages. Another item to consider are health issues which anyone of any age can suffer from.
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