I've never been thin as an adult.

I'm 6ft 7" with a small frame. I have a heart condition which NORMALLY presents with being stick thin. As a child I was. I hit 6ft at 11 years old and you could literally see my knees, wrists, and elbows through my skin. I can't really figure out when I started gaining so much weight, but it was after I had to stop playing sports (b/c of my heart condition). I'm going to be 24 in a month and for the life of me, I cannot fathom how I will look if/when I lose this 150 pounds. Everyone refers to me as a 'big girl' but what they dont know is that the only thing 'big' is the fat on me - I have a small frame!
I've never been thin as an adult- not even close. Has anyone else ever been here?


  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    I was always the fat kid. Got made fun of. Turned into the fat teenager and then the fatter adult. Bad habits, no exercise and hypothyroidism cause me to balloon up to 354 lbs at my heaviest. I have no idea what it's like to be a skinny adult. The lowest I can recall is 190 lbs at age 16 or so.

    Looking forward to finding out what being fit feels like. I don't want to be skinny... I want to be fit.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    Up until the age of 25, I was thin. Then for various reasons I gained weight. I have nothing but admiration for anyone who gets to the lowest weight that they've ever been as an adult. I have numerous memories of being thin/skinny and of not eating much, and I recall these memories when I want to support myself on this "journey". You guys don't have that, and you're entering a new way of being/how you look. That takes real courage.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I've never been fat my whole life. But I did have a chubby stomach (still do) but pretty much normal all over. But since I've came home from college my first year last year, everybody said I've lost so much weight. Even though college cheerleading changed my physique a little, but it makes me feel horrible after everyone says that cuz I wasn't fat at all. Also, I'm hard-of-hearing, maybe they thought I wouldn't be successful in life.