Kale, anyone?

So, I bought kale, and I have no idea what to do with it. Anyone have some easy ways to prepare kale?


  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    tear it up in small pieces, 2 tablespoons olive oil, a little salt in the oven 350 for 12 minutes or until crispy and voila, kale chips
  • Alishamarie48879
    Alishamarie48879 Posts: 92 Member
    I put Kale with some mushrooms and onions. Toss in olive oil, sprinkle w/garlic sea salt. Bake @400 for about 15 min (keep an eye on it), then take it out and sprinkle some grated parm, pop back in oven for 5 min. SO.GOOD.
  • Sarahkate1017
    Sounds yummy! Thanks!
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    I put it in fruit smoothies or love it in fresh veggie soups and minestrone. Love the idea of kale chips, may have to try that!!
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Sauteed with evoo, garlic and crushed red pepper. Finish with a squeeze of lemon. Mmmmm.....
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Salad- chopped thinly, tossed with dried cranberries and walnuts. Dressing of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, bit of honey, fresh cracked pepper.
  • Sarahkate1017
    Thanks for all the great suggestions! Can't wait to make me some kale tomorrow!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    We just made kale chips for the first time tonight and they were SO good!!!! My husband was very skeptical but he loved them too. I'm not a sweets person and am not tempted in the least by cookies, cake, candy, etc, however I LOVE salty stuff. That's been the hardest craving to curb. This totally hits the spot and it pretty light since a little olive oil goes a long way.

    Tip: You definitely need to watch them. We burned the first batch to a crisp. The second batch was done at 350 for 12 minutes and was perfect.
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    I second the kale chips!! They are so crunchy and delicious. I also mix raw kale with spinach for salads. Some people find it too bitter but I think it tastes great. Enjoy your kale!!
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    Kale is saving my life... Best medicine ever... :)
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of it, so I put it into smoothies. :) Try it with pear and OJ, it's pretty good.
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    We just steam it (in the steamer, or if that's too much hassle, in the microwave!) and serve it on the side. It's great with curries or chillis instead of rice, OR with a small portion of brown rice as well!
  • jtakingcareofherself
    jtakingcareofherself Posts: 144 Member
    I love kale chips! I've made them a few times, but find slower on convection is best. As low as 300F for 15 or so minutes. And it helps if all the pieces are relatively the same size, so some don't burn. Put lots of sea salt on after they come out, and enjoy!
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    Saute garlic, onion and peppers until just soft. Add 1 tablespoon Basalmic vinegar, stir. Add 2 cups torn rinsed kale to skillet, season with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg, reduce heat and put on lid for 2-3 minutes. Once kale has wilted a bit use tongs to combine all ingredients and let steam with the lid on for another 3-4 minutes until tender. This is my hubby's favourite way to eat it. We also love it with red romaine and spinach in a salad.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Braised, steamed, or sauted
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Seriously - this is the best (and easiest) recipe ever... My husband and kids even love it!

    Prep kale (wash, and slice, shop, tear - whatever), place in a casserole dish. Put a couple garlic cloves (I leave them whole) in with it. Place frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts on top. Sprinkle parmesan and lemon pepper over the top of the chicken. Cover and bake at 350 for about 30-45 min (until the chicken's done).
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    To just eat it? Steam and eat (with some lemon juice or coconut oil).

    But our favorite approach is to dehydrate it. Cut out the main stem, then toss with a little melted coconut oil and salt before drying. Dries quickly, and makes surprisingly tasty, airy snack. Many different varieties of kale too. Apparently, some are large and hearty enough that they make "kale chips" that can actually scoop things, but I've never actually seen this myself. All of the kale available locally that I've found just make the crumbly, airy kind when dried.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Slice up, and put in whatever you're cooking, such as an omelette or casserole. Or steam it, as a side dish.Very easy, and very good.
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    african stew with kale in a peanut butter sauce with quinoa and sweet potato,
    in a coconut, soya chunk, mushroom and kale curry,
    side dish- stir fry/steam with garlic, chilli, and oil maybe lemon juice and parmesan too? or add to spaghetti for a quick and easy dinner
    maybe a soup?
    i find it takes a while to soften though, and as mentioned before baked kale chips are nice too.