Hi there I just joined!

Hello everyone,

My name is Martha. I just turned 50 years old a couple of weeks ago and I am a junior at Fitchburg State College in Massachusetts. I'm going for my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. During the last two years as a student I have gained 12 pounds. Previously I had lost 20 pounds and brought my cholesterol from 310 to 178. Now as I see the weight creeping back I'm disgusted with myself. I worked too hard in the past just to gain all my weight back and have my cholesterol skyrocket again! I have 3 children but they are pretty much out of the house - in college or beyond. :( The empty house is not helping with my snacking problem and I actually find myself binging when I come home to the empty house. I'm hoping the support I get on this site will help me lose the weight I need to lose and help me get over using food to fill my "empty nest"!