Diet coke - does it make you put on weight



  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think you're looking for an excuse and the "Diet Coke makes you fat"-myth is convenient.

    A lot of people who lose weight on a calorie-controlled diet get down to a set weight then go on maintenance and find they put on weight and eat over their daily calories. This is quite common and you just have to find out through trial and error what works best for you.

    One way of trying to avoid that is look at how many calories you should be eating to maintain at your goal weight and use that as your benchmark. It does mean that weight loss will slow down over time, but it should be easier to maintain as you get used to eating regular amounts and adjust to the correct portion sizes for your lifestyle. That doesn't mean you can't go out for meal or a few drinks with friends/colleagues, but when you eat to goal-maintenance you are better able to plan these things in.

    I think you have to look more closely at what's really triggering your cravings and then address those issues, but if you do ultimately believe that it is the Diet Coke that is triggering your cravings, then it's time to find an alternative beverage.
  • HairstylistMom
    HairstylistMom Posts: 5 Member
    I am a Diet Cokeaholic. So I have read all the articles and tried to quit a hundred times. I quit for a month recently and did not lose a single pound.....
    But I do believe the food craving thing is absolutely true because I experience it. The way artificial sugar works is that your body gets it and thinks its real sugar but it never satisfies your body because its not really sugar its empty so then your body starts craving because it didn't really get what it wanted......
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I am a Diet Cokeaholic. So I have read all the articles and tried to quit a hundred times. I quit for a month recently and did not lose a single pound.....
    But I do believe the food craving thing is absolutely true because I experience it. The way artificial sugar works is that your body gets it and thinks its real sugar but it never satisfies your body because its not really sugar its empty so then your body starts craving because it didn't really get what it wanted......

    Or you would have craved it anyway?!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't believe it makes you put on weight.

    YOU make you put on weight. If you find yourself getting hungry straight after you have a diet coke, prepare for it and simply don't eat. It's just fake hunger (unless you truly have got an empty stomach) owing to the chemicals.

    It's not very good for ya but it won't 'make' you put on weight.. it has no calories..

    If the artifical sweetener is triggering the brain for hunger, then it is not "fake hunger". The sweeteners are triggering the brain, causing your body to be hungry and then causes you to eat more.

    Therefore, artificial can and will make some people gain weight.

    Everyone is different.

    Personally I stay far away from the stuff now days.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have 2-3 cans a day with no apparent effect on hunger, satiety or weight loss.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I don't believe it makes you put on weight.

    YOU make you put on weight. If you find yourself getting hungry straight after you have a diet coke, prepare for it and simply don't eat. It's just fake hunger (unless you truly have got an empty stomach) owing to the chemicals.

    It's not very good for ya but it won't 'make' you put on weight.. it has no calories..

    If the artifical sweetener is triggering the brain for hunger, then it is not "fake hunger". The sweeteners are triggering the brain, causing your body to be hungry and then causes you to eat more.

    Therefore, artificial can and will make some people gain weight.

    Everyone is different.

    Personally I stay far away from the stuff now days.

    It doesn't increase glucose or insulin so how would it do that? Also they do not cross the brain barrier so are not absorbed that way.

    Please expand on your theory.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I will never understand why this subject makes people come out from every corner to debate this in such a forceful manner. What difference does it make? Everytime this subject is on the forum, someone makes an observation that they don't crave sweets after giving up diet drinks. Someone else posts tons of recent studies that not only don't support this, but say it is wrong. It's a diet drink people. If you want to drink it - great. If you don't - great. It's almost as though there is a critical "need" to want people to continue drinking soft drinks. My family owns a lot of Coke stock - so yes, keep buying it! I gave it up when I learned more about what I am putting in my body. But if others don't give it up?? I can really say this doesn't effect me in the least.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Like most things, it's individual as far as the cravings/weight gain. For me? WOW! I can't even believe the difference since giving it up. Not only diet soda, but all artificial sweeteners, and most sugars. I use a bit of honey...other than that, I add no sweetener, natural or artificial.

    As to the qestion of if they are harmful to you? Again, you can find a study to convince you of whatever you wish to believe. Personally, I try to eat as clean as possible, and stay away from as much processed foods as I can. At the very least, it is processed, so for me, I don't consider it a healthy choice.

    I would like to suggest that anyone out there who is a binge eater, or has huge cravings, especially for sweets, try cutting all the artificial sweeteners, and don't add any refined sugars, for 2 to 3 weeks. See if you feel a difference. I truly believe this one change is what is going to finally get me off the diet roller coaster, and help me to live a happier, healthier, thinner life. :smile:

    Great post. :drinker:
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I was addicted for years - I never believed for one moment it would help my diet, I just liked the taste batter than regular coke. The only thing good was that I never drank it at home, never had any sugar drinks there - so my kids would not get the habit.

    It got worse when I was working at Coca-Cola as a consultant and had a desktop dispense 10 feet from my desk. Now I have a coke maybe once a year.
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Same debate, different title, the studies I have read indicate that any weight gain associated with diet soda is caused by people feeling ‘good’ for drinking it and therefore eating more calories. Personally, I think it is ridiculous to blame diet soda for the weight gain people have as a result of their choices. Personally I drink and prefer diet soda, regular Coca-Cola is too sweet and sticky for my taste buds.

    With regards to Aspartame, there continues to be no notable and legitimate study that indicates that it is dangerous. Most of the claims of its dangers are repetitions of claims which are repetition of claims. While I am sure Big Sugar wants you to think it is dangerous to help their bottom line, but outside of that industry I have yet to see any serious science showing the risk.

    That being said, if you have any negative effects from any food whether it is Aspartame, Soy, Chicken, Chocolate, Garlic, Mushrooms etc. stay away from it (yes, I have heard of people having problems with each of those items), this is just common sense. Personally, Aspartame does not affect me, but it does affect my wife so I can drink it without consequence while my wife will get headaches. Do I blame the Aspartame? No. Some peoples' bodies process foods differently and therefore everyone has different tolerances. My point, find what works for you and stick with it.

    Just as an edit, I easily drink 50 oz of Diet Coke a day and I will typically add another 12-30 oz on top of that. If I am out and about it is not a stretch of the imagination for me to have 108 oz in a day (yes 0.84 gallons). I have no headaches, no joint pain, I do lose weight, and the only occasionally have digestive discharge issues which is actually linked to the occasional cup of coffee. All that being said, if someone wants to post links to actual studies (not documentaries or Big Sugar promos) I will be happy to reevaluate my position.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Meh, I've lost 75lbs and I have a mini can (approx. 200mls) of Diet Coke pretty much every day. I know that the aspartame probably isn't good for me, but we all have our vices.
  • SandiBren
    SandiBren Posts: 33 Member
    oh god, if artificial sweetners make you gain weight, I'm going to be a cow. I consume far too many packets of splenda and truvia on a daily basis, and so far my weight hasn't increased, BUT I do feel hungry all the time even when I shouldn't..... hmmmmm

    Big difference between Splenda, which is an excitotoxin and Truvia, which is natural. I don't know of any diet soda, however, that uses Truvia. I make my own iced tea or iced coffee and put Stevia liquid well!
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    lots of comments but just thought i would say if i drink diet coke alot i do gain weight. FAST!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I usually drink 1 diet coke can per day, but like you, sometimes up to 3. I really don't think it has hindered my weight loss at all. I lost 80 lbs in 16 months.
  • emilypurplefrog
    emilypurplefrog Posts: 92 Member
    I drink about one diet coke or diet dr. pepper a day (usually with my lunch) so I can't say that it makes me hungry. I've been eating 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day (all about 2-3 hours apart from each other) and I've lost 6 lbs in the last 3 weeks. I also drink water as I am drinking my diet soda and drink 8+ glasses of water a day. I've had no problems with losing weight so far with drinking my diet soda (so as long as I am happily losing and the diet soda is not getting in the way, I am going to drink it!)

    However, I do know that everyone's bodies are different and if you are still losing, I wouldn't worry about ridding it from your diet if it is something you enjoy and makes you happy!
  • MMMendoza007
    MMMendoza007 Posts: 157 Member
    I feel so strongly about this.

    One week ago, I gave up diet soda. I was a diet Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper person. I probably drank a 12 pack every two days. I was insanely overboard but couldn't live without them.

    Then I started to see blood in my urine. And I was like, "Uh, what more do you need?" So I quit. Cold turkey.

    On the third day, the headache and body ache was so bad I couldn't get out of bed. I was like "Wtf?" I know about caffeine withdrawals but I had no idea it would be this bad. The following day, I felt like I did when I'd recovered from a bad flu. I was weak and groggy but I could tell the worst was over.

    I cannot express to you the difference in the way I feel "on the other side." I have lost seven pounds this week. I haven't been extreme with my dieting. I'm just doing healthy stuff in moderation. But the HUGE difference is in my appetite and cravings!!! I mean, if you hear nothing else, get this part. I have always been the kind of person who felt that my appetite controlled me, not the other way around. But not this week. It's been amazing.

    Don't get me wrong. I MOURN my coffee and diet drinks. But I don't spend too much time dwelling on it. I just don't want you to minimize how much I loved them and thought I couldn't live without them.

    But I can. And so can you.

    I will never have another diet drink again. Period. And soda of any kind will be a rariety.

    I think some people can manage diet sodas just fine. But I think others, like myself, are hyper sensitive to the chemicals they put in them and therefore get addicted and have negative reactions. The only way to know is to stop it and see how you respond.

    I am continuing to watch how things go. I want to see if this trend with my appetite and cravings continues. It may not be attributed to just the elimination of soda, but also to the fact that I've increased my water intake from 0 to 100.
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I have no idea if it actually "makes you gain weight", but I do think we all react differently to different foods. I haven't had soda since I started this journey, because I crave water all the time, but I didn't like to drink diet before because it made me bloated. Not sure if it's the sweetner, the caffeine, the carbonation....I don't know but I retained water like crazy with it. I can't do crystal light, or flavored waters either for the same reason. So I think it depends on the person. If you are questioning it, just go one week without it and see what happens. It's the only way you will know for sure.

    Good luck.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I don't believe it makes you put on weight.

    YOU make you put on weight. If you find yourself getting hungry straight after you have a diet coke, prepare for it and simply don't eat. It's just fake hunger (unless you truly have got an empty stomach) owing to the chemicals.

    It's not very good for ya but it won't 'make' you put on weight.. it has no calories..

    I agree with this... even full sugar soda has not MADE me gain weight...moderation...
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I have to drink one diet coke in the morning if I work...on weekends I can just do water...may be in my head but I think it helps to wake me up. Been a type 1 diabetic for 37 years and my teeth are fine and the dentist does not scold me for it.
  • stephdg89
    stephdg89 Posts: 37
    I am terrible aboiut drinking diet coke! I'm actaully drinking it right now with my granola bar for breakfast! I don't know why, but diet coke tastes sooo good with breakfast food. It has never made me gain weight, though. Eating too much made me gain weight. Even when I was 105 lbs I drank like 4 cans a day and never put on an oz. It was the all day snacking and 5 course dinners that did it. ;) PS- I still drink 1-3 cans per day and have lost 5 lbs in the last three weeks.