MFP uped my cals?

Yesterday I logged in that I have lost my first 20 lbs!!!!! However, MFP asked if I wanted to adjust my goals, which I did. The only thing I changed was the amount of workouts per week. I had 5/7 days which rarely happened, so I changed it to 3/7 which I do every week. It's nice that I can finally eat more, but I can't eat the extra 350 cals all the time, I am used to the 1200.
My question is did this happen to anyone else? And are you still loosing with the cal increase?


  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I just changed my goals to get up to 1g/kg of protein and things got wacky. In my profile it still says my intake goal is 1,200 cals per day but on my food diary it's 1,327. Maybe it's a glitch - I'll be asking tech support.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I just changed my goals to get up to 1g/kg of protein and things got wacky. In my profile it still says my intake goal is 1,200 cals per day but on my food diary it's 1,327. Maybe it's a glitch - I'll be asking tech support.

    Ok - it's a user problem :noway:
    I had already entered my exercise, so "of course" I'll have more cals. Duh and double duh! I just wish I had got smart before posting :embarassed: I think I'll go back to bed.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Does MFP normally up your calories for you? It's never upped mine, I have to do it myself. :huh:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Are you saying your old goal was that you would exercise 5 days a week, but now you've changed it to exercising 3 days a week? It seems to be that that would cause your calories allowed to be lower. Did you accidentally change your activity level? Say from sedentary to lightly active? If not, that's a stumper....

    But CONGRATS on the 20lbs down! Awesome!:bigsmile:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the help guys!!
    I figured it out when JDHINAZ said I must have changed something else, well I also changed weekly weight lost from 2 lb to 1 lb, so that upped my cals. Thanks for helping me point it out. I haven't had any trouble w/ Mfp so I kinda thought it had to be a user error (lol!)
