Have you noticed that you're treated differently?

I was watching the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Jeff becomes bald with a friend and he asked me this today, but I honestly didn't really know the answer. Have you noticed that as you got more in shape, you've been treated differently by random strangers (people that don't know anything about your weight loss journey)?

I've never been very adept in social situations so I've never really paid enough attention to how people treat me, so it was difficult for me to answer the question (also I don't really see/interact with total strangers very much so most of the people I interact with know that I used to be way overweight). What about you?


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Not really. I never really faced discrimination (besides some HIORRIBLE experiences but these were rare) I'm being hit on a lot but part of that is confidence. Confidence is sexy.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    No. My transformation isn't earth-shaking so far, but the people close to me notice and have commented favorably upon it. Random strangers don't have any basis for comparison, so they have no idea where we came from or where we're going.

    It's my experience that most people are so lost in their own worlds that they don't notice much of what's going on around them with strangers anyway, unless something really stands out. I imagine they'd notice if you got to 330 lbs. with 5% bodyfat and walked around in a neon singlet, but other than that we all just tend to blend into the background.
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    Oh yeah!!! Before I started loosing weight, I would get looks and snickers as I walked through the mall. Especially if I was buying anything from the food court for my kids. People judge other people so fast. People totally look at me different now. Even with people I've known my whole life. I had my high school reunion this last weekend and was treated very differently from the past reunions.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Yup. I have been a healthy weight and i have been fat. I currently am working on losing more than 100 lbs. when i was at 120, everyone was nicer, but especially men. More guys held doors for me, picked something up for me if i dropped it, were more helpful in stores, often walking up and asking if i needed help. Now that I'm fat, all those things happen a lot less.

    Its sad, but thats how it is.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Yes :)

    I have noticed in the last 10 pounds I have been getting more male attention then I know what to do with! But that could also be explained by changing greatly in the last year! I find that I am a lot more out going and friendly towards people and more social then I was. It could also be that I dont feel depressed and am more willing to engage people more then when I was heavy.
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    I am undoubtedly treated differently by men. I'd say about 70% of this is due to looking better and the rest due to the confidence that comes with feeling better and knowing that I a look better.