Why is my weight increasing not decreasing - Help



  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I don't care what the scale says. I'll maybe weigh myself every 3 or 4 weeks just out of curiosity. What matters is how you feel and that you can see a change happening. No one sees a number when they look at you, it's simply fit or not fit.

    Your food diary looks solid, just keep doing what you've been doing and it will show.

    This is the way to do it ^^^^^
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    thanks - apparently I had my body fat measured over the past 3 weeks too (started at 25 then last week at 20 then today 18)
    Waist line started 45.75 and then down to 44.5 then today at 45. but scales up!!!

    I would say there's absolutely no way your body fat went from 25 to 18% in 3 weeks. How exactly did you have that measured!?

    It's a slow process - not sure what exactly is achievable but never seen anything like those sort of figures. Some people who have made monumental efforts are like losing maybe .5% a week. so sorry I don't mean to be rude but it's far more likely that the measuring is inaccurate.

    I think she might use one of those scales that claim to measure body fat at the same time of weighing...I played a bit with that stuff and find it a joke. My body fat percent changes within minutes. :)

    Same here, I had some and they were very inaccurate. You've got the right idea though - its not weight that really matters its body composition and even if the fatometer is wrong you will still be slowly changing your body - well done and keep it up - its a marathon and not a sprint - sprints last a minute and then you have to stop (i.e. get fatter) - marathons last for a long time and work - Please listen to what people here are saying and stick with it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How much cardio are you doing weekly?