I now believe in "eat more to weigh less" (A MUST READ)



  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I'm a believer too!

    Was at 1200 for a year. Between that and some health/ hormone stuff, I packed on 25 lbs or so. I switched to TDEE -15% and started to level out / maintain. I bumped it to TDEE which put me at 2024 cals and have been maintaining and am in a much better mood. Am going to stay at TDEE for at least another 2 weeks and then plan on dropping back down to 1650 or so. Still above the 1200 that MFP wants me at, but still at a deficit.

    If you're curious about TDEE, there are lots of calculators out there to help figure it out.
  • dovek11
    dovek11 Posts: 94 Member
    I did not join MFP to lose weight. I had gave up on that resigned to being overweight.
    I joined to log my food, since my family said I eat like a bird. They were right, I was averaging 800 calories a day. I had been ill for a long time and I had no appetite, felt sick if I put too much in my tummy, and just ate till I was full. It wasn't enough. So I used MFP to hold me accountable to eat. It took me a bit, but I got up to 1200 lbs, and began losing weight.
    What? I ate and lost?
    I was thinking maybe I COULD lose this fat!
    So I thought I would stick with this logging and tweak my diet to see what I could do, what I could eat, what I could lose. I picked a diet, and I went up to 1500 calories. I was losing 2 lb a week even tho MFP said I was eating too much.
    Then I panicked and dropped my calories back to 1200. That is what MFP had recommended for me. I have been there two weeks and I have not lost weight. Gained two pounds!

    I won't starve anymore. I figured how to eat for my body to get the upper limit of calories and not feel overstuffed.

    Keep in mind, one size does not fit all when it comes to a diet for your body. If you are hungry, try a diet that lets you eat more.
    Each of us is different, unique! But that doesn't mean we can't lose weight. Just not in the 'traditional' way!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    "Eat more to weigh less" refers to eating more smaller meals vs eating 3 large meals a day. For example instead of eating 3 600 calorie meals a day, you would eat 4 400 calorie meals, with each of the four meals spread apart by about 3-4 hours.

    Absolutely not

    It mean feeding your body and workout sufficiently

    I am 4'11" and 120 pounds. I eat around 1700 calories a day when I cut and 2000 when I maintain

    This is just an example, it isn't advice for anybody. You have to find an amount of calories that works for you. Also, when eating more to weigh less, you should choose healthy snakes in between meals. Snack should be small, like a cup of fresh fruit. A cup of grapes only has about 85 calories and it is filling.

    The above eating more small meals per day and/or substituting shakes between meals is not correct either....We have a group if you would like to check out exactly what is really recommended....The Eat More 2 Weigh Less group we have on here shows us ways of eating enough food to fuel your body each and every day so that you can lose weight and then maintain this weight for the rest of your life by eating the correct amount of food for each individual person and not having to starve yourself and losing much needed muscle to get there....Also, strength training to build and keep muscle is an excellent way to burn calories and you have to have fuel for this as well...Here is the link if you want to take a look at how it works....


  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I got to my goal weight and I was nervous about increasing my calories so I decided to only increase them by 100 more a day and stay at that level for 2 weeks to get my body used to more food. I started at 1000 calories a day so when I increase my calories to 1l00 I started losing again which means I had to eat to gain back what I didn't want to lose. Two weeks later I again raised my caloires to 1200 a day and again I lost weight so again I had to eat more to gain back weight. Two more weeks later and I increased my caloires to 1300 and again I lost weight and had to eat more to gain back. I am now at 1400 and have lost weight yet again and had to eat more to gain back. When I say I had to eat more what I did was have what I call a cheat day to gain weight, on those days I didn't record everything I ate because I was trying to gain a pound or two back so I didn't bother recording everything. This Friday I will again raise my calories to 1500 to see what happens. I don't want to jump from 1000 to a big number all at once as I feel taking it slow giving my body time to adjust to more has worked great for me and I enjoy having those cheat days. So I am still working toward finding my maintenance goal and I am enjoying it. So all I can say it works for me, if anyone is stuck where they aren't losing then my suggestion is give it a try. I exercise very moderately only walking about 4 times a week for 25 minutes so I don't burn that many calories. Anyone is more than welcome to view my diary.

    Hope this helps