Motivation Needed



  • pacagirl
    pacagirl Posts: 9
    Don't give up!!!!

    The goal is to change lifestyle habits for long term health benefits --- unless you think you can change your personality to like the gym --- that's not a long term solution. You haven't been walking the dogs morning and night long enough to know if that is going to help you yet, but if it doesn't make a difference you are happy with in couple weeks, you might need to adjust your lifestyle a little more. Adjusting gradually makes the process feel more natural and bearable -- which also may make these new habits stick! Weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle isn't a sprint it's a marathon!

    I lose weight differently than my husband. He's tried to tell me I'm doing it all wrong before, but I never had a weight problem till I met him :o) so that's my new response - a kiss and a reminder that before I met him I was perfectly capable of keeping myself healthy and in shape and I more than capable of getting back there using the techniques that work for me. I know me - I know what I like, what I will be happy doing every day. His "helpfulnees" comes from a good place, but I take his suggestions with a grain of salt, read lots of diet and exercise suggestions from fellow dieters and try the ones that sound like they are MORE likely to work for me in the long run.

    Soooooo --- my advice --- find things you LIKE to do or that you think you can grow to LIKE to do and add those to your daily life. There are lots of exercise options out there that don't involve a gym. The last thing you want is to be dreading going to work out. This should be a positive process --- you are doing a GOOD thing and you should feel good about yourself while you are doing it!

    On the dog walking portion specifically ---- I don't know how your dogs are when they walk, but I had a hard time getting my heart rate up with our puppies. They liked to stop and sniff and mark a little too much. So I ended up changing our walking schedule to a fast walk by myself (that I eventually brought up to a jog than a run --- intervals are a great way to train yourself to walk faster/jog/run) and a "cool down" walk with the pups. That worked much better for me and for them --- the dogs still got exercise and got sniff around as desired without me tugging on their leash and getting frusterated --- I got my heart pumping (and burned more calories) AND I actually fit in the post exercise cool down that I am horrible at making myself do. Plus in the end I ended up exercising longer and for a greater distance. If you can't pull this off both times you walk them --- try to fit in this adjustment one time a few days a week and see if that works for you.

    Good luck figuring what healthy improvements will stick with your lifestyle and CONGRATULATIONS for starting down the path of healthy lifestyle changes!
  • Melisamab
    Melisamab Posts: 16 Member

    If you thought you were doing well, chances are you were. :smile: Sounds like your hubby was just being a "blunt man", he probably doesnt/didnt even realise what he said would affect your motivation. Men! (sorry guys)

    Like you said, the extra lbs didnt get there overnight, they wont go that fast either. Be patient and stick with it! Maybe do some of the things others have suggested: add a mile to each walk, jog a bit during the walk or do some extra excercise at home: pilates (good for shape, not cardio) or Wii Fit.

    If you really want it, you'll be able to do it (even if its tough at times). Hang in there :happy:
  • Lweber0723
    Lweber0723 Posts: 15
    Thank you everyone. I think I may have over reacted a bit- I was just so upset he said that- Yes I married a blunt man- who was trying to be supportive but just has a hard time showing it. He realizes he needs to lose weight himself- and thats his plan ::) Thanks for all your words of wisdom!
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I've just ralized my first post sounded a lot like bragging which wasn't my intention... Sometimes I feel really awkward when I get that slightly awed/fearful look, like I should be carrying my "before" picture with me at all times... except I'm not that person any more. then again, that parson most definitely is a part of me, it's not like I suddenly became someone brand new or something...

    Point being: don't be afraid of other people judging you! just do your thing and you'll be fine!
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    I just recently read an article about this very subject...walking and not seeing the weight loss. It was said, that if you want 2 miles a day for 7 would take 30 days to lose one pound. You see, the issue with walking, at least for most of us, is that we don’t do it at a speed fast enough to raise our heart rate into the aerobic levels which is needed to burn fat. My suggestion would be to increase your speed and distance and see if you notice a difference.
    Also, make sure you feed your muscles after working out. You have a “magic window” of 45 mins to feed your muscles with lean protein. This not only rebuilds the muscles but it helps keep the sugar cravings at bay.

    Hope this helps