Tips for first 5k?



  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Thanks for all of the great advice, everyone. :)

    I'm especially curious about the eating/meals suggestions. Typically I don't eat anything before running, because I want get outside while the sun is just starting to rise. I'm in Phoenix and it's around 87 degrees even at 5:30am. Should I not eat prior, because that I am used to? Or just something very light? I believe the race is scheduled for 6:30am.

    I think the more important thing is to race as you train. If you don't usually eat, don't eat (it's a pretty early race, so probably not a big deal). In cooler climates we tend to start races a lot later, 8:30 or even 10:30 is not an uncommon 5K start time. It's pretty hard to not eat before a 10:30 race, so I think that where a lot of the "eat light" advice is coming from. Also, if you chose to ramp up your distances and do long runs, it gets harder to avoid eating beforehand. If find that anything more that 4 miles or so I really need to eat at least a light snack before I go. Otherwise my tank starts emptying around the 4-4.5 mile marker and things are a lot harder.

    The only real piece of advice I can give that hasn't already been said is to go to the bathroom at some point before the start. Nothing sucks more than being halfway through a race and realizing that you really, really, have to pee.

    I said it! :bigsmile:
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Thanks for all of the great advice, everyone. :)

    I'm especially curious about the eating/meals suggestions. Typically I don't eat anything before running, because I want get outside while the sun is just starting to rise. I'm in Phoenix and it's around 87 degrees even at 5:30am. Should I not eat prior, because that I am used to? Or just something very light? I believe the race is scheduled for 6:30am.

    If you are not used to eating before a run and your race is early you shouldn't eat. Drink though. Maybe something with electrolytes.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    Just sustain your usual 5:30-per-mile pace, and you'll do just fine. I predict you'll finish in well under 17 minutes, so it'll be a short race for you.

    [Yes, I'm kidding. I couldn't run a sub-17:00 5K even in high school! :laugh:]
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    6.30am! FM. I'd be wanting advice on how to get up that early!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Pace yourself.

    Don;t go buying new gear and wearing it for the firsst time the day of the event.

    Son;t going eating different foods you are not use too.

    I started mine as far back as possible, as i felt better running past people instead of them passing me


    I hope you have a great time
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Start slow and then go slower. That's my mantra. People always start out great guns and leave you in the dust but pretty soon they poop out and you are passing them and finish before them because they started too fast! Just have a wonderful time! When I race, my goal is always to finish and I have accomplished my goal every time. Success!
  • Littlesmile
    Littlesmile Posts: 99 Member
    with loads of suggetions pouring in... my basic one is : TRIM UR TOE NAIL.... Or Else IT WILL HURT AND BADLY...

    all d best and enjoy....