Anyone ever experience this?



  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    I had similar results when starting and would weigh myself quite frequently looking for the immediate gains. You are certainly on the right path. I put less focus on the day to day measurements, but I still liked to weigh myself every day for tracking the history as it is an interesting thing to reflect on and to learn more about how your body works day to day.
    The first results that I started seeing were the cardio gains where I could sustain workouts longer and was feeling better during the workouts. I also found that staying hydrated has always helped me throughout this and my body works more efficiently when staying hydrated throughout the days. Good luck to you.
    If you would like an extra MFP friend, feel free to add me as well.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    You did not gain 2 pounds of fat, it is water.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    My guess is if you are burning 1,000 calories per work out, you are doing cardio and not weights. So please disregard the replies that you are adding on muscle. You're body is not taking in enough to actually "put on muscle" in four days at such a deficit.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I see huge fluctuations up in weight if I eat too much sodium, even eating within calorie limits. It goes down once I have a few clean sodium days. Seems to be the worst part of eating out - I can limit my portions and calories - but they use salt on restaurant food like it's going out of style.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    You are not in starvation mode and it is not muscle.

    Thank YOU!!!!!

    AMEN! :)

    TRIPLE THAT. If you're eating 1200 and burning 1000... What does leave your body to have? EAT MORE. At least try to NET 1200. According to your math, your NET is at MOST 200. :noway:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Don't hug the scale so tightly. If you weigh yourself, then drink a gallon of water and weigh yourself again the number will go up. Does that mean you actually gained weight? no. Weight fluctuates due to many things, but it takes 3500 calories to make up a pound of fat. If you didn't burn 3500 calories or consume 3500 calories, any weight gained or lost is more likely water.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Try weighing yourself after not working out a couple of days. Starting a new routine can make your muscles sore and it shows on the scale. Also make sure you're not undereating too much on your calorie counts. It's all about balance.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you burn 1000 cals the minimum you should be eating is 2200 (1200+1000). if you only ate 1200, that means you only left 200 cals to feed your daily functions which depending on your size should require 1400 to 2200 calories. the 1200 MFP gave you assumes no exercise, when exercising you must eat more.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hi...I am fairly new to the site, and have a strange question...

    I weighed in this past Saturday, and noticed that I had lost 2.6lbs. Since then, I have been exercising 3 outta the past 4 days, burning on average 1000 calories. I've also been eating within my 1200 calorie allotment.
    This morning, I stepped on the scale, and noticed I gained back 2lbs.

    What would cause that?!?!?! The past two days, I have been eating raw, and my sodium numbers have been on the lower side...
    Has anyone ever experienced this? or have any suggestions?

    I sometimes weight 5 pounds more or less in a single day! That's perfectly expected. EVERYONE's weight fluctuates, often by as much as five pounds. The eight glasses of water everyone harps about drinking here weighs more than four pounds. Two glasses of water weigh more than a pound. If you weigh, drink two glasses of water, then weigh again, you will have gained a pound. So what? If your focus is health it shouldn't matter. Everyone here talks big about it being all about healthy eating, but they all also post pictures to demonstrate progress. It makes no sense if it's not about looks. It's just a number.

    My suggestion? Ignore it.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    I blame a fat wizard when this happens
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You are not in starvation mode and it is not muscle.

    Thank YOU!!!!!

    AMEN! :)

    TRIPLE THAT. If you're eating 1200 and burning 1000... What does leave your body to have? EAT MORE. At least try to NET 1200. According to your math, your NET is at MOST 200. :noway:

    Me fourth. But really, if you are eating 1200 and burning 1000 with exercise, you are actually practically not eating. Even discounting "starvation mode" and "muscle weighs more than fat," it's STILL not the case that you can keep dropping your calories and losing more and more weight. It is a game of diminishing returns.
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! I've been consuming a balanced diet, and sometimes eat more then my 1200. I've been trying not to splurge on the exercise calories, although, have been properly fueling my body with carbs & protein. Trust me...I am not starving by any means :blushing: I used to be a competitive athlete when I was in HS & college, and just try to stick to a strick diet (although, i made the mistake of having movie theatre popcorn recently - couldn't believe it was 1000 calories ALONE!)

    I really appreciate the feedback, and it is quite possible that this is my body's way of adjusting to the new routines and healthier lifestyle I am choosing.

    Thank you!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    you did not gain any kind of muscle on 1200 calories a day. if anything, your body ATE what muscle you already had! 1200 calories a day is not enough unless your only exercise is punching the remote. Listen to the good folks who are telling you to eat more. If you truly are burning 1000 cal/day....YOU ARE AMAZING. But I would sincerely think you will begin to feel like s^&&*T VERY soon.

    Are you using an HRM? Mine is ridiculously high in cal burn. But that even doesn't matter if you are eating so little. I was eating 1200/day and burning 200-300/day. I lost for a couple months and then had to up my calories to 1400/day. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ON THE 1400. That is probably too low now and I will raise it soon as I NOW have the energy to exercise MORE! A lot of folks eat their exercise calories back and still lose. I don't do that because I'm over 55 and that just doesn't work for me. Maybe it a rate of 2 pounds/month and that won't keep me motivated. I still only lose 7-9 lbs/month. But, HEY--THEY ARE LOST. THEY DON'T COME BACK AFTER ONE NORMAL MEAL!

    EAT MORE PLEASE. and get a good idea of what you are burning. there are a lot of sites with calorie calculations you can compare. I kinda use an average of everything I have found since I know there is no way my HRM is right.

    Just read your profile. From years of yo-yoing (which I DID), you have messed up your metabolism. There is lots of information, both here, and other sites to give you ideas how to fix that before you can efficiently lose. What worked for me, is real unprocessed foods, no starches, no flour of any kind, good liver cleansing supplements, tons of water, lots of fruit/veges, fish or chicken or turkey only. After a few weeks of this, the weight started moving and I found I felt so good eating this that I only add in red meat or a bread product or any starch a few times/month. Eat good food and you WILL lose.

    Good luck in finding what works for you. But please listen to the folks who say you are eating too little. I really bet you are.


    (P.S. and I tried the most extreme of all....the silly HCG diet where you starve yourself on 500 cal/day. I did this prior to joining MFP. Guess didn't work for me and I felt like slitting my wrists on such starvation calories!!! lol...but seriously, it was awful for a tiny reward in loss that came back immediately).
  • vwdyess
    vwdyess Posts: 12 Member
    Keep in mind that your weight fluctuates throughout the day so make sure you weigh yourself at the same time everyday! I agree that water retention could be the issue too. Also, eat five small meals a day to keep your metabolism up. Best of luck, and don't get discouraged! :smile:
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    We all have weird fluctuations. I think mine has to do with hormones/time of the month. From the few days before my period all the way till a week after my period I seem to have a higher weight, then I drop 3-4 pounds in a week seemingly. Then I stay there again through the next two week period then I drop another 3-4 pounds in a span of a week or two. Weird~~ I see the clothes fitting better though the whole time so I know it's water weight.