HELP me break through this plateau!!!!

I am 45...female...weigh 156. I am 5'7.5. I want to lose another 10lbs. I have lost 57lbs in the past 15 months. Can't get this last 10 to move for anything!!!! I have raised calories, changed up calories and just about everything else. I workout 6 days a week on my elliptical for 90-120 min. I do light weights as well about 4 days a week. I eat between 1400-1600 calories a day. Mostly staying around 1500. I have one night a week when I eat a little more and have a free night to eat. I have read so many things and have done about a thousand different calculations that all come out differently. Someone give me their input!!! Gotta make my goal! NEED HELP!