Goal seems so far away

Anyone else feel like they are NEVER going to reach their goal weight? :mad:

I really need to stop giving in to cravings, especially in the evening. Anyone have suggestions for things to take my mind off of wanting to eat crappy food?


  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'm 2 months in now and I have to say my cravings for 'bad' food steno where near as frequent now. I think I've got used to eating more healthily.

    That said my goal does feel miles away. I've lost 8lbs since 3rd June and I figure it if lost that every 2 months I'll be at goal by about April next year. But with weight loss slow and steady wins the race!!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I feel the same way.. It's daunting when you think about it but I'm just trying to take it one day at a time... As someone once said "The days are going to pass anyway, so why not spend your days losing weight?".

    I know how you feel wanting to eat crappy food (that's how I was at first too and sometimes still do) but the best advice I can give you is just don't keep any crappy food in the house.. Only healthy stuff. And by healthy I do not mean boring! Spice it up a little. Also, always make sure you're drinking enough water.. whenever i feel like i'm hungry but i know that i should hold off, i just chug some water and try to take my mind off of food. It helps..
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I've been trying to fit into the same pair of jeans for almost 4 years now...I'm going with the "life is a journey" motto...if I get into them before I die then I have met my goal, and since I don't plan to die anytime soon there's no reason to quit trying now.
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    i feel like this sometimes, especially since my weight loss has really slowed the last couple months (but was pretty fast the first couple months). i just keep telling my self that i'm going in the right direction and i try to appreciate the changes i already see in my body.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Break it into smaller goals and then re-set when you reach that one.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    I've never been able to look at that final number, because if I did, I'd never be able to do it. When I get there, I'll be able to look back and say, "wow, I lost 125 lbs" but every day, I just look at the pound I'd like to lose this week, getting down to the next 5 or 10 lb milestone or fitting into that pair of jeans that I bought last month that still just a little too snug. If I think too much on the big number, I get discouraged and self doubt is my biggest diet killer.

    Good luck and keep at it.
  • ashleighk123
    ashleighk123 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel the same way! These last 15 lbs are a lot more stubborn than the first 35... I know I have come a long way but I really have to step up my game if I want to finish and accomplish my goals. And I am with you on evening cravings! Let me know if you ever find a way to banish them. All I have been able to do so far is compromise. I know I am going to want something after dinner so I leave calories for it. The other day after dinner I made brownies... So delicious! I cut them up into smaller than a square inch each and only let myself have one after chugging a bottle of water. If I wanted a second I had to drink another bottle
    .. which I did. But it keeps me from eating even one full brownie so it helps, if not solves. :)
  • Desmodus
    Desmodus Posts: 1
    It'll happen, just hang in there. I recently reached my goal weight and I never thought it would happen. I hate healthy food and I eat a lot of junk and I am addicted to caffeine. I used to work outside and I would chain drink Dr. Peppers all day long. When I went on this diet, I knew that was going to be a problem. I couldn't give it up, I need it. So I switched to calorie free drinks, Diet Dr. Pepper being the main one. As for food, I still eat fast food, just not every day. Give in to your cravings every once in a while, it will make it easier to deal with going without for the rest of the week.

    We all have cravings, we all have our weaknesses, but that just makes us human. And I think that makes you beautiful. Hang in there and congratulations on taking the first steps in making your life a healthier one! If you need a friend, add me.
  • Roeri011
    Roeri011 Posts: 77 Member
    Try not to dwell on it. I remember when I lost my first 5-10-15 pounds I felt good about my progress but I still had so far to go. Eventually I forgot about it and then one day "hey, I lost 45 pounds!". Keep up the good work and one day it won't be "I can't believe I put on all this weight", it'll be "I can't believe I was ever that weight".
  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    I have been going since February, with over 4 stone to lose. It seemed hopeless for a while.

    However, I am now more than halfway there. It has taken five months, so I expect it will take almost the same again - which will be a nice Christmas present :smile:

    I think the part I find most difficult is the apparent lack of progress from day to day. I want to see my weight lower every day compared with the previous day. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work like that.

    Fortunately, I can look back and realise that whatever my current weight, not so long ago it was several pounds more - and not long before that it was higher still. It takes time.

    Sadly most of us these days want things to happen instantly. Be patient. Keep working at it. You will get there. Don't lose hope :wink:
  • ktrauzzi
    ktrauzzi Posts: 71 Member
    I figured it out by mini goals. And yes, it seemed like forever. Then I just thought that it's taken me 8 years to put this weight on, if it takes me 1 yr to take off, that's not bad. I also try to mainly focus on what I've lost instead of how far to go. For me, I've just hit the mini goal of losing my pregnancy weight. It's a great feeling! Good luck!
  • Mallornleaf
    When I have a craving I drink water, because my body may actually be thirsty and water may fix the craving...if it doesn't I have a cup of hot broth like College Inn Chicken Broth (30 cals) or a glass of V8 vegetable juice (50 cals) , Ocean Spray also has a light juice with 50 cals/glass so depending on the craving one of these three helps.