New my fitnesser

What a great site and to be held accountable.....Ready set go....:happy: :happy:. I am a 39 year old stay at home mom...I ve been over weight for a long time. My daughter is going to be 10 years old and thats all she has known me to be is big. Now im taking control and she is great she gets so thrilled when she can wrap her arms around me and close her hands together she is the one who praises me the most...shes great ( I also have a two year old). Ive lost 38 pounds and my true goal is to get to under 200 which has been over 10 years since ive weighed under 200. Then ultimately id love to weigh 150 or under but baby steps. Ive been watching and changing my choices that i put in my body. Ive also added walking/jogging 4 to 5 times a week (2.5 miles to 3 miles) Been doing this since February. Ive just now added the Tony Horton 10 min. Cardio and total body work