After Jillian Michaels DVD, what next???



  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm gonna check this out, thanks :smile:
    or if you want try Jillian's body revolution! that's the one i'm on now! and i LOVE it
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    Another one you might want to try is Supreme 90. It is a cheaper version of P90X. I found it for $20.00 at Dollar General. There are several different DVD's in the set and you do a different one each day based on a 90 day calendar provided. It is a strength and cardio combo. You need various weight dumbells and a core/balance ball (one of those big balls you sit on).
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Thanks for the info, and I wasn't even the one who started this thread! After I finished 30DS I'm going to invest in another one of Jillian's dvd's. I absolutely LOVE to HATE her! :-)