Does anyone else have a problem with this?



  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I never ate breakfast before but I realized that to make my metabolism wake up I needed to eat so now I usually have a small container of yogurt (love the kroger brand of carbmaster-60 calories and 3 grams of sugar) but it still takes me at least 2 hours before I eat that.
  • Carley0287
    Carley0287 Posts: 13 Member
    I hear ya. I am not generally a moring eatier either. I started mixing spinach in with my smoothies. Its a great way to add folate and other important nutrition to help buff up your meal without extra calories. It looks ugly but tastes great.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I heard there is a breakfast replacement pill in the works made specifically for those who can't stomach breakfast. Since it's the most important meal to jump start the metabolism and light the metabolic fire in your metabolism, it should not be skipped. But early studies have shown that those who take this pill once a day instead of breakfast see the pounds start melting off right away!
  • vintagesquirrel
    I get physically ill in the morning if I eat a solid breakfast. I mean, vomit and all. It has been that way since I was in grade school. Instead I drink a protein shake. I prefer Premier Protein shakes because they are only 11oz and they have 30grams of protein, 160 calories, and 1 gram of sugar. That way I am still getting some fuel for the morning, I don't have to take in that much (11oz only!) and the protein keeps me full until lunch time... and keeps me from overeating then!
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    For all of those who say you absolutely should have breakfast in the morning, watch this, because you really don't. Breakfast is not essential for everyone. If I have breakfast then it makes me hungrier throughout the day and I eat more. If I don't, I eat less. Pretty simple really.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.
    a study i saw in new scientist magazine suggests that perhaps this is false. it -might- be that cramming all your eating into 8 hours a day is healthier. not just for weight loss but for other health factors.

    further studies are needed though.
    the jury is still out.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.

    Have science to back that up? No. Your metabolism doesn't slow until around 60 hours with no food. Stop spreading the myth.
  • dueover
    dueover Posts: 18
    Our body's are not all made the same. What works for one may not work for another which is why I was a victim of yo yo diets. Just do what works for you. I dont think there is a wrong or right way. Once you learn what works for your body to burn, keep doing it. I believe a meal replacement shake or smoothie in the mornings will work just fine.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    If you don't like breakfast, don't eat it! Some people need breakfast, some don't... do what works for you.

    You don't NEED to eat first thing in the morning. Your metabolism is running 24/7 and as long as you get sufficiant calories long term and not eating breakfast doesn't cause you to overeat later in the day it won't do any harm. Look at all those VERY successful folks doing intermittent fasting... some don't eat until like 2pm and are doing just fine.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Our body's are not all made the same. What works for one may not work for another which is why I was a victim of yo yo diets. Just do what works for you. I dont think there is a wrong or right way. Once you learn what works for your body to burn, keep doing it.

    ^^^THIS! Everyone is different and everyone reacts to things differently so do what works for you.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I thought I was the only one, wow I've found out that I have to "wake up" my stomach first I do this every morning right after I wake up to take a tbsp of ipecac(you can find it at walgreens) then I have my shower and I can eat with out a problem. Good Luck
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.

    That's ridiculous. Please do not perpetuate such myths. It takes 24, 48, even 72 hours to completely digest food in some cases. Your metabolism doesn't slow down if you don't eat in the morning, that's ludicrous. In fact, a good number of people practice intermittent fasting where you don't eat for something like 20 hours a day, every day, and they have great results. If you didn't eat for a couple days I could see there being a possible problem but not eating breakfast isn't a big deal at all.
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    For me, coffee and water is more important to me than food in the morning. I could go until noon without eating.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Your metabolism doesn't go to sleep. It's working all the time.

    I eat from noon to 8:00 PM. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I get up at 4:00 AM and go run for 30 to 45 minutes. I get up on Sunday mornings and do my long run (last Sunday it was 8 miles, it's been as long as 9 miles) on an empty stomach. I come home and drink water. I start eating at noon. I'm getting stronger and faster all the time. I'm eating at maintenance right now (around 2900 calories in that 8 hour window) and my weight is staying relatively stable.

    If it helps keep you from gorging later, then eat early. If you don't feel like it, don't do it. If your preference is to eat 6 meals of 400 calories each all day to keep from getting too hungry, do it. If you want to eat 2 meals of 1200 each it's the same end result. Total calories in and out is what ultimately makes the difference for weight loss/gain.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Everyone's different. Eating isn't a one size fits all.

    I grew eating breakfast everyday, so when I don't eat within an hour of waking up, my body thinks its gonna die and lunch becomes a binge-fest. Also, my body likes smaller meals b/c it has trouble digesting large quantities of food, so eating breakfast keeps me in check.

    Feel free to drink your breakfast...or have your first meal at noon! To each their own.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.

    Food is not what dictates your metabolism... activity is. If you are active, you burn more calories. If you are not active, you burn less calories. Food is simply the most readily available fuel source. But you don't have to eat to get up and move around.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    "My body doesn't want food in the mornings"

    Do you eat before bed? Maybe you're just not hungry if so. For me, my fasting cycle is about 10-12hrs. If my last bite was at 7pm, you betcha Im' going to be hungry within an hour of waking. If my last bite was at 11pm, then I'm not hungry until lunch.

    Nothing wrong with shakes, I find they're easy for the "on the run holy crap I'm late" kind of days lol
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I hate eating first thing when I get up. BUT....I also get up anywhere from 130-300am. I do NEED my coffee and a small juice within minutes of waking up. Nothing solid till after 6 for some reason and then I end up munching at work. I find that if I actually eat something solid too early Im inclined to eat all freakin day.

    It just works for me (granted Im sorta new at this)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    1) You don't have to eat breakfast if you make up for it later
    2) You CAN change your eating habits if you really want to
  • jreeves628
    jreeves628 Posts: 123 Member
    I used to be the same way. I started taking a daily probiotic supplement and my tummy has returned to normal. I can eat breakfast with the kids in the morning now.