I'm new at MFP with 100+ lbs to go

Hi all, I am new here and looking for support. I have more than 100 lbs to lose and will reset my goals once I reach 250. I'm starting out a 354. I was 362 on July 15 but was starving myself with meal replacements. Loseit.com app had me at 1534 calories per day, MFP has me at 1870 but I have stalled. I actually gained a lb. Any ideas what to do to reverse the weight gain.


  • CaitlinedB
    CaitlinedB Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Risseydmc,
    I'm new to MFP too but loving loving loving the app and website. Not sure exactly what you're doing obviously but with me having a little extra leafy greens in my diet helps a lot to kick things back in gear. Drinking more water seems to help me as well as it flushes out the water my body is holding on too. Also I don't know if you are on a regular exercise program already but I started one and that helped me boost my weight loss. I keep trying to remind myself that I didn't put the weight on over night so I have to give myself time to take it off....it's a hard mantra to remember for someone like me who has tried and failed many of the fad diets but it does help calm me down when I'm freaking out about a small gain or no loss. BTW, I also have 100lbs to lose. :-) Good luck!
  • colawoman
    colawoman Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in the same boat - but we have started - that's something!! Keep going - just think where we'll be January 1 - lighter than 2012 for me - I hope!!
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    A little gain may not be significant. I waiver 5lbs in a day. I weighed 290 last Fri, 288 on Mon, 285 on Wed, and 290 today;
    All this without any going over in calories.
  • HughesEC
    HughesEC Posts: 4
    Hi, We all need support and we are at the perfect place for it... This site really helps and the people also encourage you to do better. I can say what works for some will not work for others but hey everyone has to run their own race. You will meet your goal in due time. Keep trying new and different things and you will eventually find out what works for you! Key is not giving up....
  • 1badvan
    1badvan Posts: 5 Member
    you may gain a few pounds upping your calories, but that is a good thing, as long as you are eating healthy foods. If you starve yourself your body will go into starvation mode and retain fat. Upping the calories may first lead to weight gain but then lead to a more steady decline in weight. One of my favorite podcasts explains this often check out www.fat2fitradio.com they haven't done any new shows lately but their archives are amazing, i love listening for motivation.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • mhouston2011
    mhouston2011 Posts: 155
    Everyone is here for the same reasons...feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm here everyday and will do my best to motivate you and support you!!
  • dueover
    dueover Posts: 18
    Welcome. This is a wonderful sight to motivate and keep you going when you wanna give up. I felt like giving up a couple of times. Have not weighed since I joined the sight in May because I feel great. I dont want my journey to be "soley" about the scale and the number. But just remember to do what works for you and we will be here to encourage you along the way.
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome to MFP.
    The ladies who have alreay responded have some good advice.
    My two cents:
    - the MFP calories depend on what you have asked of MFP. For instance, I work in an office so marked my fitness level as Sedentary. Also, I wanted to lose weight slowly (and surely!). You might want to re-examine that part. Having said that, I was a bit lighter that you when I started and lost weight on about 1890 calories. (my allotment is less now- that's another great part of MFP).
    - If you haven't already got one, purchase a good kitchen scale (I got one for under $20) and weigh everything for the first month. I was amazed at how much my estimate was wrong.
    - as my brother said (who is now 8 lbs to his goal) it's all math - sooner or later it'll come off.
    Good luck!
  • Good morning to all of you! I am also in the same category of over 100 lbs to lose. I started at 388 in mid January now I am 261.5 and with a combination of aqua therapy/land therapy I'm a slight bit more mobile than I was. I slowly changed my eating patterns over the last few months but not starving by any means. Now I'm adding exercise slowly because I just came out of physical therapy. I had the whole mfp things explained to me to eat back some of my burned calories but I still am confused. I read that when you increase your calories more than you had been taking in there could be a temporary gain but keep up what you are doing and don't let that fluctuation throw you off track. It's just kick starting your metabolism. Always keep it guessing....When it stalls, do something different in your routine because your body catches on quickly. Good luck and feel free to add me and keep in touch.

    Rhonda in Milwaukee. WI
  • risseydmc
    risseydmc Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone for the great support and advice.
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have been here almost 2 weeks and the support and encouragement really help. I enjoy being able to log my foods and exercise and keep track of my measurements. I have lost 2 pounds and I feel like this plan is really doable. I try to faithfully log on daily which helps me stay focused on what I need to do.

    If you haven't been to the doctor in awhile, you may want to check in and let him or her know what you're doing. I am dealing with some thyroid issues (still in the fact-finding stage) and it isn't easy for me to lose weight, but it is still possible.

    You can do this one day at a time! Friend me if you want to. I will pray for you that the Lord will give you the strength and endurance you need at this time. Blessings!
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've got 100+ lbs to lose too. :o) Best of luck!
  • susanfisher
    susanfisher Posts: 62 Member
    Hello, Feel free to add me, I also have about 80-90 pounds to lose. We can help each other.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Hey there! I started here at 315lbs about 18 mo ago....My top weight was 335 (that was the last time I got on a scale though).

    Anywho, remember that while losing a pound here and there is a victory; it's not the only kind of success. Every bit of activity you gain back, clothes size you change, etc...those are all super wins.

    I have discovered through watching my gains and losses that my body has a pretty natural ebb and flow where weight is concerned. I have one or two days a month where i'll be at my best weight and then the next day it looks like I've gained 6 lbs. So be prepared to watch that too...and remember to celebrate not mourn!! It really helps the process.

    Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I've got 100+ to go, too. I eat back half of my exercise cals - so while I should be eating 1500, I'm eating around 1800... it's going, slowly (although it'd go quicker if I didn't eat as much junk and I was fit enough to exercise more :P)

    Good luck! Keep at it, and you'll get there. It just looks like it's a lot because of the long journey, but the more you follow it, the closer you get.
    Add me if you want xx
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    eat more vegetables, esp beans. when you think you're eating enough, add a serving. drink more water. increase the intensity/duration of your workout (even just 15 mins) add strength training. and if you're doing strength training, eat lots of protein
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    Hi I have been on here consistently for one month now. If I go up I just keep eating right and exercising because I know that after a day or 2 it will go back down. I've lost a total of 13 pounds in one month. Pretty good for a 48 year old woman. My cals are set at 1790. Wen I exercise I eat back some of my calories. I also relax a little on special days and Sundays. This is a life style change and I am in it for the long run. Before I started I was exhausted all of the time and had multiple aches and pains. I don't know what it is, the food or the exercise or the weight loss but I feel great! That, more than the umber on the scale, is what keeps me going.
    I have 112 lbs to go to make goal. I know that I can do it and so can you!,,,
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Lillian = need new friends in the same boat! Friend me please :)
  • rachgarm
    rachgarm Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have at least 100 to go too