Weight loss is really slow / 12 pounds in 3 months



  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Think of it this way, I am pretty sure you didnt put on 12 pounds in 3 months so why would it come off faster?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    you think thats bad!
    how about 6 lbs in 6 months!!
    seriously!! lol

    oh well, we just have to keep on going and some day we'll reach our goal :)
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    3 months roughly 12 weeks - so 12 pounds in 12 weeks is about perfect!
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    1 lb per week is actually really good weight loss :) especially when you only have 35 to lose :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'll quickly chime in here too.

    a pound a week is perfect.

    Keep it up.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    what i cannot tell from reading your profile and this post is how much did you need to lose? If you only had 15 pounds to lose all together.. then you are really doing great. If you have 200 pounds to lose.. then 12 pounds in 3 months may be slow. But, from your pic.. it doesn't look like 200 pounds is the case. I think 12 pounds is terrfic and you are right on track :) just keep paying attention to your food and excercise ! Have a great day. Enjoy!
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
    1-2lb is healthy loss, means your less likely to put it back on and its not just water weight! Well Done you x:smile:
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    You lost 12 lbs! Great job! That is a lb a week....soooooo you see that as a bad thing? One lb a week is healthy. Just think, how long did it take for you to put it on? You are doing great. Dont rush it.
  • redder2
    redder2 Posts: 30
    12 pounds in 3 months? Look at it this way you could be sitting at home doing nothing and adding weight.

    I sure you know our vote, we are supporting you, and we are behind you efforts! I am wishing you the best as you continue toward the new you.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    on average, i've lost ~5 lbs. a month, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. OP, i feel your pain - it seems SO SLOW sometimes. but it's not, and steadily, after a while, it adds up.

    if no one has suggested it yet, take measurements. (i only had a vague idea of my measurements when i started and don't have a tape measure, but i know by the clothing sizes i've lost that inches matter more than the scale!)

    i'm also very aware of the shape of my body, and try to check for changes frequently, because i see small changes much better than trying to see a big change in the mirror. (my calves are shaped differently than they've ever been in my life! w00t!)

    hang in there. sustainable is the goal. :)
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    MFP (and a wide variety of other real health officials) say that 1 pound per week is recommended for a reason. And yes typically the more weight you have to lose, the faster it comes off. I started this year at 303 pounds and have lost 64.6 pounds so far. That was with setting my weight loss goals to 2 pounds per week, exercising 3-5 days a week and being very good about what foods I put in my body. Once I got down to the 1300 calorie range I changed my weight loss goal to 1.5 pounds per week because I was finding it very difficult to feel full on that amount of calories. Of course, I also knew going into this that 2 pounds per week was not a realistic goal for the 150-160 pounds I want to lose.
  • I have to say, I don't think your progress is that slow... if you can continue to make the progress your making, you'll be doing great.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Sounds like about a pound a week to me. It's hard when its coming off and it feels slow but it is coming off so you are doing something right. Keep doing what you're doing :)

    A pound a week can seem discouragingly slow. But it adds up.

    Remember - it's a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • Hah! That's pretty much perfect, you don't wanna go much faster or it's likely you'll gain some back. This way your body is able to adjust so the weight will stay off and you won't feel deprived. If I lost 4 lb a month I would be soooo happy :)
  • kellygirl324
    kellygirl324 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! Im providing this for your comparison. I lost 11 pounds in the course of 4 months. Weight loss is different for everyone. The more weight you lose the harder the last pounds are to come off. Bodies adjust to new routines and must have change to move out of a plateau. You're doing great!
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    That is what I call fast weight loss! Don't get discouraged if it slows down either - after 40 it gets really slow for most women.
  • cannmariegriffin
    cannmariegriffin Posts: 6 Member
    just worried for no reason. weight that comes off at a slow pace is more likely to stay off.
    you're doing very well.
  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59
    Unless you're over 200lbs, a pound a week is average.

    What do you mean by this?! Should you expect to lose more being over 200? I weighed over 200 and lost the first 25 lbs pretty easy, then a few more slowly.. And now that I'm under 200 it's.. Not.. Working... Anymore!! Ugh. >_<!!

    I don't know if I need to lower my calorie intake, raise it.. I don't know how this works!!

    ***Sorry if I'm stealing your thread OP, great work!! 12 pounds is great!***

    The more your body composition changes (body fat/ muscle...etc) the more your body's needs change. It is a good idea to take a honest look at you diet and exercise program. Make sure you are working just as hard as you were when you were 200 lbs. Some people slack off without realizing it...not saying you have...just putting that out there because it does apply to some people.

    Also if you were over 200 at some point...do you have special health concerns? Have you stayed in touch with your doctor? I know people like to avoid going to the doctor because it can feel shameful, not enough money, general fear or lack of a quality doctor. Losing weight however easy it may be for some it can be a real struggle for others, diabetes, hormone imbalance or asthma can certainly slow things down even more. Some people will use this as a crutch but if treated it shouldn't prevent anyone from losing weight...just might take longer.

    You didn't discuss what your exercise routine is??? Are you weight training??? How much cardio are you doing per day/week??? The more you do the same routine the easier it feels to you right?!...it is a sign that your body needs more. In the beginning you can increase the time and resistance of your cardio and increase the weights that you lift...BUT there comes a point where that is not enough. If this is where you are at, CHANGE what you are doing. If your body knows your workout routine better than you, your not going to see the changes you want.

    Personally, I struggled to get moving in the right direction. I wondered around the gym thinking I know how to workout and didn't need any help. I may have built some muscle but I didn't lose a pound for 6 months. I was extremely frustrated and wanted to give up. I HIGHLY recommend anyone and everyone talk to the trainers at your gym!!!!!! They are there to point you in the right direction and some advice is free. Many people are worried about paying more money but you will get what you pay for. My gym offered to set up a weight training program for me free of charge and it has been since then that the weight has changed. A few months in I hesitated but I paid for an additional program and have really started melting away that last hard to lose 15 pounds.

    Message boards are for emotional support and they are great when that is what you need. They help me find motivation to get to the gym when I would rather not. But sometimes we need more than that, there are a few trainers that post here from time to time...however you will get more of what you need by asking one to walk you through a workout. They will see if you have issues with form, weight or reps...they can talk to you about your diet and they will be honest with you...nothing else makes them look good but your success! I am sooooo happy I talked to mine. I have reached a weight I didn't think I would see again and I feel so much better.

    Good luck to you, I hope you get over the hump and get your weight moving again!

    (I am currently doing a circuit training program, burning about 1000 calories, takes about an 60-90 mins...wanted to add that in case you wanted an idea of something different to do)
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    12 pounds in 3 months is not slow. It sound nice and steady like maybe you aren't starving yourself.
  • HamsterNut
    HamsterNut Posts: 78 Member
    12 lb is 12lb I wouldnt complain over that :-) a gain or no loss would be worse :-)