My Open Diary

I have food journaled a lot in the past. There have been several times in my life where my physique has been directly tied to my earning ability (it was in my contract with my employer). Working with a personal trainer and watching everything that I ate was nearly mandatory so that I may keep my job. (It was a Coyote Ugly style night club venue)

Since I've retired, I've not hit the gym or food journaled with any kind of consistency. As a result, I am heavier than I've ever been. I'm also disappointed in my physical condition and my inability to do things like pushups.

Being here, I feel accountable to track my foods. Knowing that my diary is open to the public, has helped me keep my food choices clean when I would have otherwise liked to have a great big plate of Type 2 Diabetes for breakfast. I really, really wanted pancakes with syrup this morning. Instead I enjoyed a high fiber and high protein breakfast because I just knew that my food choices would be out there for everyone to see.

I would encourage anyone who is having trouble sticking to this plan, to open up their diaries for public viewing. Just the thought of peer pressure is motivation enough for me to stay on track.