Scared, but determined.



  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Hey Jenny...I've done the same thing everyone else has done. This time though, I did my homework. I looked over the array of foods I really liked, the foods I could do without, the foods I wanted to try (and I haven't come close to trying them all in over 350 days), and I made a plan for myself.

    1,200 calories--and I like to eat a lot of food

    So, I picked the foods that I could eat a lot of, usually lower in calories, lower in fat, and eat eat eat. Then I added recipes that my husband uses a lot--spaghetti sauce, chili, chimichangas, vegetable soup. I entered them in, with help tracked a serving size and stuck to it.

    I made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas (with pies and cakes and cookies too). I used exercise to "buy" extra calories and I still lost weight.

    So, I'm at the end of my journey with 15 pounds to go, and you are at the beginning of yours. This isn't hard, it's just best for most of us to change our habits and our friendships with the foods that are not good for us. Moderation is key, but self-sacrifice is not.

    Check out my blog in May, where I talk about my journey through foods and exercise. You will find your path, it won't be like anyone elses. You will struggle, you will cry, and most of all, you will be amazed at your successes and those little wins...

    Now, here's something to remember--right now you will be frustrated with the urge to go eat...and when you get to my fork in the road, you will begin to get frustrated about having to go buy more new clothes---and don't forget to buy underwear! I always forget to buy the underwear!

    Good luck, wear sturdy shoes for your journey and take an extra bottle of water...
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    Don't be scared of feeling absolutely amazing, =]
  • BuhbyeBooty
    Hi Jenny,

    What a battle, huh? I am in similar shoes to you. I have tried an tried, more times than I can count and continually failed. Back in April, I decided that it's about time I give myself the life I want and deserve. I am 29 years old and feel like I've barely lived! I took some seriously drastic measures (quit my job, moved to a different state, ect.) but I am doing it. I should have weighed myself back in April, but didn't have the nerve to until late May, and was still shocked at the number looking back at me.

    I have forced myself to walk, everyday since May 26th. I am on a very low carb/fat/calorie diet supervised by my doctor (and let me tell you IT SUCKS!!!). I am down 41lbs already and I just know this time I will succeed. I will succeed because I know I deserve it, and I want it THAT bad!

    Please feel free to reach out to me if there's anything I can do to help you get/stay on track. This is a long road, and we all know how bumpy it can be!

  • Determined0712
    well..i'm not scared, but also determined. Scared isn't the word for me..but i know exactly what you mean...i have also tried a hundred times. But i am now 38, have 4 children from ages 9-18. So i think its time now, (if i plan on seeing my grandchildren) to lose this weight and take care of myself !!! i started a 1 1/2 wks ago and weighed in at 248. i couldnt not believe it. I had done this before and couldnt get past the 218 i guess i gave up. I think mad is more the word for me..and i can't seem to get over how mad i am. But then, i was so mad, that giving up has obviously put me back 30 more lbs. in about 6 mos. So, i want to be in the 190's. That is my long term goal. But i have decided to do 10lb increments. and at those increments i reward myself. whether it be, getting a new outfit, hairstyle, nails done, something..i figure by the time i reach my goal, i should have almost everything i could ever want. My husband is a big guy also 6'6" 320lbs. But works outside doing physical labor. Much easier for him to eat whatever and maintain his weight. job, on my butt alot. But i have committed myself this time no matter what. I'm going to be on mfp till i am UNDER 200 lbs. I'm hoping by then, i can control my weight. I (being stupid) tried to do insanity. Obviously at 5'6" and 245 lbs..that is not working for me. so..i went to the elliptical machine. maybe , by the time i reach under 200, i can start the insanity program and halfway get through refuse to continue to gain. So...i'm here searching for support and ideas. my food and chocolate and soda...all the normal culprits..i think i have my soda under control..and...been doing "pretty" good with fast food. I travel for work, so i'm always looking for a quick bite. But i have been trying to do fruits, salads..then a dinner..i do eat my oatmeal or cereal a bit too. But never go over 300 calories...and i am now exercising a minimum of 3 times a week. But i find myself wanting to do more..well..i have babbled enough...if you think you can help me, add me...and i also will support you !!!
  • Determined0712
    when i say "never go over 300 calories, i mean for breakfast meal ..or lunch meal..totalling 600..) don't want anyone to think i'm starving promise i 'm not.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Don't be scared of feeling absolutely amazing, =]

    ^^ This!
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    I'm sure we are all excited and so proud that you're reaching out and taking that step, making that effort to change. That is the hardest thing is acting getting into and sticking with it. It's so easy to say 'maybe tomorrow'
    You can do this! Everyday is a new day, and you are gonna do so awesome!
  • BuhbyeBooty
    Don't be scared of feeling absolutely amazing, =]

    Excellent advice!!! :)
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    The nice thing about your size is that results will show quickly. You are right, it has to be a life changing thing. You have to keep accurate count of your calories. Probably at 1200 per day. My sister in law was short and heavy and works at a hospital. They put her on 1200 calories and 80 grams of protein eack day. You need the protein to burn off the fat.

    Best of luck!

  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Find out what works for matter how much "advice" you get. Take the advice in and decide what is right for you and what is doable for you. This may sound weird, but be very hard on yourself. I started very strict. I turned down almost anything bad meaning fast food/restaurants. I didn't want the temptation. (also, if you do slip up, it's not the end of the world. get back on it the next day) After the first 2 or 3 weeks, I didn't care. I just turned it down without thinking twice. May not be the best advice (that's just how I work though), but it totally took away my temptations and cravings. OR if I felt a craving because someone was eating something I really wanted, I had a bite. One bite. It stopped there.

    Don't just stop eating things you love. Have them in moderation or a bite in my case. Also, reward yourself. For instance, every 10lbs that I lose...I reward myself with something. Good luck on your journey :)
  • CurlyGurlie88
    Hey! I hear ya gurlie! I was 350 a less than a year ago, now I'm 250. For me I got gastric bypass surgery because I personally needed a boost, but since than, I've been dieting and working on eatting healthy. I think for me it's about the food you eat, you can't go wrong with fruit and veggies, but food that is processed food or starches can add up quickly! Also, don't forget that whatever you drink is also calories. My best advice is be honest with yourself about what you've eatten/drinken that day. If your not honest you can't improve :) Don't lose faith! You'll do it girl!
  • Chyll88
    Chyll88 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Jenny!

    Don't be afraid, you can do this and you will do this! So what you miss a goal, don't get discouraged just get right back at it. YOU CAN DO THIS just push and keep pushing!!!
  • mrincredible93
    At 46 years old I thought weight gain was just a normal part of reaching middle age. I thought I'd never be able to lose weight would be too hard.

    Using all the resources on MFP, being dedicated and having the support of others who are traveling my same path have made my first 27 lbs lost the easiest it has ever been. I'm empowered now.

    This isn't a diet. This is a LIFE CHANGE. You CAN do this! If I can, YOU can!

    Add me if you need more support!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Best advice I was ever given:
    No food is off limits.

    If you like cake, ice cream, or pizza then have it. go for the smaller sizes.

    My biggest downfalls to my diets was not allowing my self those items so after a few months I would go crazy.

    I wish you luck on your weight loss, you can do it