Anyone else out there with a gluten allergy?

Okay, so I haven't been officially diagnosed, but it's been suspected that I may have a gluten and/or lactose intolerance. Anybody else out there like that?


  • Gunnoe22
    Gunnoe22 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed yet. I go to my doctor next week. I think I have it too. Doctor thought it was IBS, but I have been doing gluten free for six days now and no problems!!
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    I never got an actual diagnosis but I have been gluten-free since last November. It has worked wonders on the inflammation I held in my body which created several problems. The intestinal issues that had been previously labeled as IBS have gone away and I no longer have gut pain on a daily basis. I have also eliminated almost all lactose other than an occasional cheese or yogurt. Body seems to like that too.

    If you plan on getting tested, I have read/heard that you should not go off gluten first. It can create a false-negative for gluten-intolerance. There is a gluten-free group here on MFP too in case you have other questions. I wish you good health!