Hello from the stairs!

HI! My name is david, and i live in chicago, IL.

4 years ago i was quite overweight, very unfit ( couldn't run a block ), and had lots of physical maladies.

I decided to start doing yoga to help fix my back. It helped but i wasn't making a lot of progress. I was still pretty unfit and fat.

About a year later, a friend talked me into doing the hustle up the hancock stair race. I signed up for some other races, the Aon and the willis tower.

I'd make some improvement leading up to and during stair race season, then lose a lot of it in the offseason. My weight drifted down, very very slowly. I was still pretty pudgy.

Last season i took the stair racing much more seriously, and had some decent results. I did yoga teacher training. I cleaned up my diet a lot. I mostly stopped drinking alcohol. My goal is to have a nice body ( ~7% bodyfat ), and qualify as an elite stair racer--if not this upcoming season, then next...