Insanity shakeology here...beach body coach..



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Just about to start insanity, but I am a little confused about the calorie intake.

    I am just a tad overweight (Just over 18 stone) but having used the calculations in the insanity nutrition book I need to take in over 2800 calories to loose weight.

    This seems like a lot of calories and I am just a little concerned that I wont actually loose weight.

    Any advice

    It all depends on your height, age, etc. But at 18 stone 2,800 is a plausible amount if you don't eat your exercise calories back.
  • Thanks, going to start Monday
  • aurinje
    aurinje Posts: 3
    I would strongly suggest having something like Maxi-Milk by maximuscle as a recovery drink after your workout, massively decreases pain and fatigue!
  • m1kfb86
    m1kfb86 Posts: 19
    I know this is an old post but it comes up on Google when you search Shakeology UK. Basically Shakeology is a meal replacement drink. USN do something called Diet Fuel that would be a suitable replacement.
  • I'm living in Scotland and I've been kicking the door of Beachbody for support for weeks now. I'm now on my final week of the Insanity workout and really missed having the support, especially from those in the UK doing the workout. As far as shakeology and the results and recovery formula are concerned, I wouldn't bother. I just more fruit - especially grapes, strawberries and pineapples.
  • Started the Insanity Programme 4 weeks ago, just in my revcovery week now which is still killing me :)

    Found a cheaper alternative to Shakeology on eBay, getting 60 servings for £149.99 which is more than half the price , and it tastes great.

    Also this guy sells the results and recovery formula alternative which i can't find anywhere for 50 quid - can't beat it.

    Can't wait for my second month of Insanity - gonna try Asylum 1+2 next :)

    Wish me luck
  • pascaljoly
    pascaljoly Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all, I started insanity last week and am on day 10; I have increased my calories intake in order to match the insanity requirements as I want to maintain my current weight. my weight seems to stay the same so far and so are my measurements. I guess it's too soon to tell the difference but since nothing has changed at all so far, does this mean I am doing something wrong?
  • robert12334
    robert12334 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi all, I started Insanity in September of 2016, after a long spell of recovering from a Brain Haemorrhage in 2013 and put on a fair bit of weight. I was weighing in at nearly 15 stone before I started. I have been doing Insanity for the past 7 months, I've not changed all the food that I eat, just the quantity and time, with a recovery drink after a good work out. There has been times when I've had to stop due to prob's but have managed to get through it. Didn't have any vitamin tabs, or meal replacement, just a sheer dedication to ( I CAN DO THIS ATTITUDE ). I now weigh 11 stone and feel and look amazing. I'm just about to start T25, and can't wait till I see more better results.