percentage of success with early morning exercise?



  • RabidCarrot
    RabidCarrot Posts: 50 Member
    I'm a morning person and my work shift begins at 6. Since I have a long commute, I wake at 3:30 to fit in 20 minutes on the treadmill and a 20 minute workout video.

    At first it seemed crazy to get up so early... without exercise time I could sleep until 4:20! But I realized that it was much easier to be motivated to work out in the morning instead of the evening. I'm just too beat after work. I almost never skip a workout. In fact, the only time in the last 28 days that I didn't exercise was the day I couldn't figure out where I had put my sneakers.

    Good news. I found them in time for my workout the next day. LOL!

    Try getting up an hour early for a week and see if it works for you. Even if you have to tumble into bed a little earlier at night it will be satisfying if it helps you reach your goals.

    I do this as well, single mom long commute and full day of work. So im up at 3:30 to fit in an hour of exercise before work. everyone thinks im nuts but i dont care its what i have to do to fit it in and I feel better/look better for it.
  • ladyS31
    ladyS31 Posts: 12 Member
    3 days a week I work out in the morning. My alarm goes off at 3:45am, I get up at 4:15am and start working out at 4:30am til .5:30
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Helllllllllll NO !!!

    I am NOT a morning person at all .... all my staff know to avoid me until at least 10:30 (and a couple of cups of tea). If I tried to exercise before work I would kill someone (probably myself).

    Besides I like the post work head clearing. I am someone who always found it hard to switch off. Now running or gym is my switch.
  • emg9
    emg9 Posts: 112
    if i didn't get up early to excersize i wouldn't be able to do what i do! as the day goes on i get slightly more tired and intense cardio/weights become really hard to do. i would definitely advise anyone to try early morning excersize. you feel much better during the day too :)
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    It is the only time of the day when it is under 95-100 degrees! As it is, when I start my morning run (usually around 6:00) it is 75 out. I know this will change when winter arrives! I like running in the winter (mid 40's).

    I am an early bird and am up between 3:30-4:00. Our running group meets at 6:00, so unless I want to play catch up, I have to be there! Good motivation to be up and ready to go.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    117% success, 32% of the time.
  • kbgwhitty
    kbgwhitty Posts: 6
    I am a morning person for sure. I naturally wake up between 4*5 every morning without an alarm. Of course, by 8-9 pm I am toast .... lol. So, working out in the am is what works for me. Usually I have my coffee and a bite to eat, stretch out, and then get going. I like the suggestions brought forth by previous posters. I know for myself that if I don't work out in the morning, the chances of me working out at all are very slim. It gives me energy for the rest of my day. Not to mention, clearing the cobwebs and FREE seratonin for my brain.!!! Good luck!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Up at 4, exercise until 4:45; pack lunch; exercise from 5:15 to 6:00; ready for work and go...

    I've been doing this for about 10 months now, and when something happens i.e. alarm clock doesn't ring, I really miss it. Once you make a habit, it's becomes what you do.