I don't have time = It's not a priority



  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    Wow! Ouch! Thanks for posting!:blushing:
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I get an email from nerdfitness.com every couple of days and when I read the latest one this morning, I knew I wanted to post this excerpt on MFP because it is SO TRUE! I only hope I can remember this on the days I struggle with working out and want to find an excuse not to do it. Or to eat right, etc. I haven't checked but am pretty sure the rest of this must be posted on the website for all to read. Today this just really rang true for me. I think I will use little saying this on my homepage as a reminder as well.

    "Starting today, you are no longer allowed to utter the words: "I don't have time."

    Instead, you will say, "It's not a priority."

    I learned this tactic from this Wall-Street Journal article, and it has been monumental in changing my frame of mind.

    Watch how quickly your perspective shifts when looking at life's challenges this way:
    •"I'd love to work out, I just don't have time" becomes "exercising isn't a priority."
    •"I'd love to eat healthier, but I don't have time to cook" becomes "eating healthy isn't a priority."
    •"I don't have time to travel" becomes "traveling isn't a priority."
    Suddenly, the excuse of time becomes an incredibly weak argument. Crap.

    Stings a bit, huh?"

    Thanks, this is awesome! So Stealing!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I had a couple of my friends who read this here and on fb where I posted it say that at first they read it wrong and took a bit of offense to the post. Then they started to think about what it really said after removing their personal feelings from it and they can see how they "could" apply this statement to anything in their lives. I initially went through the same thought process when I read the email.

    However last night when it got to be almost 7 and I hadn't got my work out in yet and usually by 8 I'm sitting down on the couch and was fretting about "not enough time", I remembered this and pulled out the kettlebells and the dvd and got it done. I sat down on the couch at 8:30. Big whoop.

    Its not meant to offend or to make people argue or question other people's choices in how they use their time. It is meant simply to make you THINK differently when you are tired after a long day but need to work out or eat the right foods and not cave to the habits which made us overweight in the first place. For example.
  • blondie6688
    Nothing tastes as good as being sexy feels... is my motto.

    Hasfit.com's is good too: Excuses mean you just don't want it badly enought. Ouch... but true!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Except that often when I make exercising a priority, I find myself substituting exercise for sleep, which isn't sustainable. I really don't have much time.

    Pretty sure you have the same amount of time as everyone else on this planet. It's still a matter of prioirty.

    Lol are you serious? She might have to work multiple jobs just to put food on the table for her family, which she then might have to take care of, and then possibly clean, and THEN try to either exercise or sleep.

    I'm all for finding the time to exercise, but assuming EVERY single person has the exact same amount of free time is just insane.

    She didn't say "free time", she said "time", as in: we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

    Some people do have to work more, have children, different responsibilities, etc. Others have enough time on their hands to argue on forums... :laugh:

    You can argue on forums while cooking a meal, in a 5 minute break from supervising children, while on the loo. Hard to exercise at those times.