Too Much "Skinny" Not Enough "Healthy".



  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    And you DID in fact relate bones showing with "too skinny" or being a negative thing. Still, I wasn't offended. Just trying to shed some light.

    I agree with you that much of our society pushes more for thin than healthy. This isn't all of us though. I think it's sad and tragic to see people develop ED's to attain something unhealthy and unnatural for them. I'm currently trying to help someone with an ED right now and it's painful to watch someone go through it.
  • Tanisha1014
    And you DID in fact relate bones showing with "too skinny" or being a negative thing. Still, I wasn't offended. Just trying to shed some light.

    I agree with you that much of our society pushes more for thin than healthy. This isn't all of us though. I think it's sad and tragic to see people develop ED's to attain something unhealthy and unnatural for them. I'm currently trying to help someone with an ED right now and it's painful to watch someone go through it.
    I did not relate it to being too skinny or unhealthy. and I know I didn't because that wasn't my point. For the 50th time. I was saying how it's crazy how girls ASPIRE to be that size. Idk what you're reading.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    in any case, the issue for me isnt about what pictures people do or do not post on tumbler or anything else. what i wonder is why are girls looking to online pictures, magazines, ads etc to tell them what is beautiful? anytime anyone is looking to that type of stuff they are asking for trouble. the onus of change should be placed on changing THAT rather than trying to police ads and photos on tumblers. that's just my opinion
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    And you DID in fact relate bones showing with "too skinny" or being a negative thing. Still, I wasn't offended. Just trying to shed some light.

    I agree with you that much of our society pushes more for thin than healthy. This isn't all of us though. I think it's sad and tragic to see people develop ED's to attain something unhealthy and unnatural for them. I'm currently trying to help someone with an ED right now and it's painful to watch someone go through it.
    I did not relate it to being too skinny or unhealthy. and I know I didn't because that wasn't my point. For the 50th time. I was saying how it's crazy how girls ASPIRE to be that size. Idk what you're reading.

    I have been nothing but friendly towards you and twice now you have been hateful. I even agreed with your point. The reason you can't understand how society views these things is because you obviously have an idea in your head and get nasty with anyone who disagrees or tries to broaden your perspective. On that note, have a wonderful day :)
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I totally agree with you. I hate seeing a victoria's secret model being used as the 'ultimate' look. It's not healthy. Just a stick with implants.

    Be ready for the 'skinny brigade' tp come and tell you that you are a terrible person, that you're just jealous because you're not thin, and that skinny and fit are the same thing. Aaaand I'm out!
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    I totally agree with you. I hate seeing a victoria's secret model being used as the 'ultimate' look. It's not healthy. Just a stick with implants.

    Be ready for the 'skinny brigade' tp come and tell you that you are a terrible person, that you're just jealous because you're not thin, and that skinny and fit are the same thing. Aaaand I'm out!

    Whoever said that VS models were the ultimate look? I'm not going for that look and neither is anyone else I know. And by the way, they don't have implants.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    victoria's secret models are pretty hot.
  • Tanisha1014
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(

    1. you said I'm IMPLYING IT. That's 100% not true. but that also proves that I DID NOT say that.
    2. It's not my fault that you can't understand my point and thinking I'm being mean. this is the internet you know. Can't take everything personal.
    3. Telling me I said something but not giving me proof doesn't make sense.
    4. Define flipping out. Asking you where you're getting your accusations from is not flipping out.
    5. You're being extremely sensitive.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(

    1. you said I'm IMPLYING IT. That's 100% not true. but that also proves that I didn't say ANYTHING about that.
    2. Telling me I said something but not giving me proof doesn't make sense.
    3. Define flipping out. Asking you where you're getting your accusations from is not flipping out.
    4. You're being extremely sensitive.

    Honestly, I would block her if I were you. Nothing you say will ever be 'okay' in her books. Being critical of people striving to just be 'dangerously skinny' is the ultimate sin to her. She's always looking for fights. Just leave her be.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(

    1. you said I'm IMPLYING IT. That's 100% not true. but that also proves that I didn't say ANYTHING about that.
    2. Telling me I said something but not giving me proof doesn't make sense.
    3. Define flipping out. Asking you where you're getting your accusations from is not flipping out.
    4. You're being extremely sensitive.

    I'm done arguing with you. If most of the people on this thread are taking you wrong or misunderstanding your point/meaning then do you think it's safer to assume it's them or perhaps your OP wasn't as clearly stated as you had hoped it was?
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(

    1. you said I'm IMPLYING IT. That's 100% not true. but that also proves that I didn't say ANYTHING about that.
    2. Telling me I said something but not giving me proof doesn't make sense.
    3. Define flipping out. Asking you where you're getting your accusations from is not flipping out.
    4. You're being extremely sensitive.

    Honestly, I would block her if I were you. Nothing you say will ever be 'okay' in her books. Being critical of people striving to just be 'dangerously skinny' is the ultimate sin to her. She's always looking for fights. Just leave her be.

    Who me?
  • Tanisha1014
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(

    1. you said I'm IMPLYING IT. That's 100% not true. but that also proves that I didn't say ANYTHING about that.
    2. Telling me I said something but not giving me proof doesn't make sense.
    3. Define flipping out. Asking you where you're getting your accusations from is not flipping out.
    4. You're being extremely sensitive.

    I'm done arguing with you. If most of the people on this thread are taking you wrong or misunderstanding your point/meaning then do you think it's safer to assume it's them or perhaps your OP wasn't as clearly stated as you had hoped it was?

    There are only 3 people who didn't agree but 2 of them understood what I meant. You're the only one arguing. You're accusing me of things I didn't say. I'm defending myself, not to mention the hip bones and rib cages weren't even the point of my post. You're the only one who's offended... You think I'm angry at you when I'm really confused by you.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    seems to me people can be skinny without a lot of muscle and still be healthy. on the flip side if they are overweight you know that is not healthy.
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    I would rather be thin (hwp) and healthy than be fat (or so called "thick") and "healthy" lol. Just because someone is thin or fit doesn't mean that they are unhealthy. Being overweight or obese is more dangerous than being thin or skinny. Some thin people do have eating disorders, but overweight people can just as easily have an eating disorder. What might be considered "skinny" to you, might not be "skinny" to that person, athletic people will usually be thinner. That same person may consider you to be "fat" or "big", when you think that you are "normal-sized" or just a little bit over-weight. Being overweight with alot of fat on your body just isn't healthy, period. I would never WANT to be fat or big. Being overweight is more associated with unhealthy. Just because you are not thin, doesn't mean that everyone else who is thin isn't healthy or is underweight. Your perspective is quite biased... if you aren't fit/thin/skinny or whatever, it does in no way mean that women/girls who are smaller than you are not healthy. OP (Tanisha), you may now shoot yourself in the foot. Good day ^_^
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I don't want to be skinny but rather aim to be fit.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.
    yeah but the way you are wording it - even here with your clarification- tends to imply that one can't both skinny AND healthy.this is simply not 100% the case.

    i used to play rugby with some downright skinny girls who were fit, healthy and had bones showing. all of that is going to depend on body type. for instance someone with a longer torso is going to be able to have visible ribs more so than someone like me with a short torso. i have a friend who's 5'7 pear shaped, long torso and 200 pounds (by no means skinny) and you can see her ribs. at the moment i have a lot of fat on my hips, but the last time i was at goal weight, my hip bones showed and i was super healthy, very fit and nowhere near skinny in terms of body fat percentage.

    and don't get me wrong i understand what you are trying to say, but i think the way you trying to say it is what's causing confusion. it doesn't seem to acknowledge that women have different body types.

    THANK YOU. Watch out though, she's fixing to flip out on you. Refer to my posts about the same thing and her less than appropriate reactions to them. :(

    1. you said I'm IMPLYING IT. That's 100% not true. but that also proves that I didn't say ANYTHING about that.
    2. Telling me I said something but not giving me proof doesn't make sense.
    3. Define flipping out. Asking you where you're getting your accusations from is not flipping out.
    4. You're being extremely sensitive.

    I'm done arguing with you. If most of the people on this thread are taking you wrong or misunderstanding your point/meaning then do you think it's safer to assume it's them or perhaps your OP wasn't as clearly stated as you had hoped it was?

    There are only 3 people who didn't agree but 2 of them understood what I meant. You're the only one arguing. You're accusing me of things I didn't say. I'm defending myself, not to mention the hip bones and rib cages weren't even the point of my post. You're the only one who's offended... You think I'm angry at you when I'm really confused by you.

    Again, I am not and have not been offended by you. Perhaps, to me, you sound aggressive when you're defending yourself. If I am taking you wrong then I apologize. I understand your original post, I think, I just wanted to clarify the same thing the other posted tried to clarify about the bones showing.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I would rather be thin (hwp) and healthy than be fat (or so called "thick") and "healthy" lol. Just because someone is thin or fit doesn't mean that they are unhealthy. Being overweight or obese is more dangerous than being thin or skinny. Some thin people do have eating disorders, but overweight people can just as easily have an eating disorder. What might be considered "skinny" to you, might not be "skinny" to that person, athletic people will usually be thinner. That same person may consider you to be "fat" or "big", when you think that you are "normal-sized" or just a little bit over-weight. Being overweight with alot of fat on your body just isn't healthy, period. I would never WANT to be fat or big. Being overweight is more associated with unhealthy. Just because you are not thin, doesn't mean that everyone else who is thin isn't healthy or is underweight. Your perspective is quite biased... if aren't fit/thin/skinny or whatever, it does in no way mean that women/girls who are smaller than you are not healthy. OP, you may now shoot yourself in the foot.

    i dont think ive ever agreed with a post more on this site.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    WAIT WAIT. I think you guys aren't understanding what I'm saying lol. I'm saying how skinny and healthy are not the same thing because not every skinny person is healthy and not every healthy person is skinny.. I'm saying the mainstream Weight loss industry pushes more of a "skinny" image rather than a healthy one.

    I hear you. I was absolutely hounded on a facebook page recently when they posted a photo of a woman wearing a bikini. I had absolutely NO idea who the woman was, but I mentioned that she looked malnourished. I'm sure she's a lovely girl, pretty, etc. But to me, her hip bones and rib bones jutting out looked unhealthy. Apparently she's some famous swimmer, so therefore MUST be the epitome of health and fitness.

    I don't ever want to be skinny. Not ever! I want to be fit and healthy with curves. Lots of curves. I can still be curvy in a normal weight range. Unfortunately for me I don't like my chances hahaha, I have no bum and no boobs!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Darling why do you think 95% of people are losing weight if they don't want to skinny or thin? As my trainer once told me, No one wants to be big.

    You can be fit and healthy.. You can also be skinny and fit.. and skinny and healthy.

    It's all about how you define those words.. not how someone else defines them.

    I'm 5'9 and 150 pounds. I'm not skinny but I'm thin. and also I consider my self to be pretty fit. I'm also in pretty good health with no major health problems. My ribs show a bit when I stretch... and my hip bones pop up when I lay down and stand up. So tell me again how skinny/healthy/fit are not the same thing? If you work hard enough, I def. think you can have all three.