not eating enough? confused

kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
Hi all! Ive been on MFP for over a year now and lost a bit. I have plateaued and not lost pretty much anything in months. last summer I did Medifast and lost a lot but was definitely "skinny fat" as I couldn't really exercise eating that little . now I eat between 1300 and 1400 and have gotten back into working out. (yes i eat back my exercise calories)

I had knee problems which are finally better so I am back to running about 3 miles 3 times a week (i'm working on upping my mileage SLOWLY to prevent more knee issues) and I do weights 2-3 days a week. Sometimes do yoga or bar method if i have the money. I eat really well in my opinion. lots of fruits veggies lean meats, generally oatmeal or eggs for breakfast. and I've lost NADA , NOTHING. I actually cut out dairy for two weeks and that's made no difference as well. I used to be super buff in college and sometimes i wonder if its just that Im 30 and ill never be back there!

could it be that I'm not eating ENOUGH? i still done get the whole idea, because if i'm in deficit i shoudl be losing. and if i was in "starvation mode" or whatever you want to call it, would i be able to run 3 miles?


  • lisanorman6
    lisanorman6 Posts: 47 Member
    It's hard to say without seeing your food journal. I think 1400 calories is a pretty reasonable amount. However, I would HIGHLY suggest not eating your exercise calories back. Personally, I think MFP calculates caloric burn during cardio pretty high so beware on that front. You might also look at evaluating exactly what you're eating. Up your protein, lower refined sugars, cut out any soda or what I call "blow it calorie foods" like the occasional cookie or frozen yogurt.

    You might also start really changing up your workouts. Confuse your muscles and jump start your metabolism again. I know I am about to sound like an old lady....try water aerobics or swimming laps. I have a knee injury and the water has been such a great way to workout and get stronger while protecting my knee. And it's just silly fun! Half the reason I do water aerobics is because the little old ladies I do it with are a hoot (at 35, I'm the youngest).
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    My food journal is public. I actually adjust the cardio minutes to a better average because i know they over estimate , so if i run for 30 minutes i put in 20 or 25. I am eating a lot of protein, pretty much NO refined sugars and no soda, I drink water and tea. I have been eating pretty well for a LONG time and ive seen no difference, I know that the quality of what I am eating is high, so thats why im starting to wonder about the quantity.

    I dont have a pool at my gym, but I am considering changing up my workouts. my issue was that if i am lifting harder, I would think I do need to eat more!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've hit a couple of plateaus on my fitness journey, and each time got progress going again when I increased my calories. I found this topic to be very helpful:

    Lots of good info there, and tools to help you determine how much you should be eating, and what the high and low 'boundaries' should be. I found it to be a great companion to the tools here at MFP. Check it out!

    Also, I think getting a heart rate monitor helped me out a lot - much more accurate than the calorie burns MFP gives me.
  • lisanorman6
    lisanorman6 Posts: 47 Member
    I've hit a couple of plateaus on my fitness journey, and each time got progress going again when I increased my calories. I found this topic to be very helpful:

    Lots of good info there, and tools to help you determine how much you should be eating, and what the high and low 'boundaries' should be. I found it to be a great companion to the tools here at MFP. Check it out!

    Also, I think getting a heart rate monitor helped me out a lot - much more accurate than the calorie burns MFP gives me.

    Wow! I just went through the info given with the link and it makes soooooo much more sense. Thanks Amy for sharing that!
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    I've hit a couple of plateaus on my fitness journey, and each time got progress going again when I increased my calories. I found this topic to be very helpful:

    Lots of good info there, and tools to help you determine how much you should be eating, and what the high and low 'boundaries' should be. I found it to be a great companion to the tools here at MFP. Check it out!

    Also, I think getting a heart rate monitor helped me out a lot - much more accurate than the calorie burns MFP gives me.

    Thanks! im going to up the calories to the settings for 1/2 lb a week (1540 a day) and see what happens, Im also goign to try to lift more!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Science would say you almost certainly can't be in starvation mode at 1300-1400 + 'eating back'. It's a lot more likely that you're overestimating your activity and underestimating your intake and accidentally eating at maintenance. You have very little to lose? There's not a lot of wiggle room when in that situation.
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    Science would say you almost certainly can't be in starvation mode at 1300-1400 + 'eating back'. It's a lot more likely that you're overestimating your activity and underestimating your intake and accidentally eating at maintenance. You have very little to lose? There's not a lot of wiggle room when in that situation.

    I am pretty right on with the estimate of both food and exercise. When i run I put in 100 calories per mile which should be right on for my weight. and I even have a food scale!
    yes i have very little to loose. I am considering going back to south beach which has worked for me in the past. I just dont think i shoudl HAVE to cut carbs, if im eating at a deficit.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Even if we are sure we've got the food and exercise estimates down pat, we still have no idea what our actual calorie burn across a whole day is. Your BMR might be different from the averages. All you can really do is try to 'back out' your calorie burns from a long period of data about your intake and weight loss. Or go to a lab for an RMR test.

    Good luck!
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    Even if we are sure we've got the food and exercise estimates down pat, we still have no idea what our actual calorie burn across a whole day is. Your BMR might be different from the averages. All you can really do is try to 'back out' your calorie burns from a long period of data about your intake and weight loss. Or go to a lab for an RMR test.

    Good luck!

    Thanks! im so baffled! i wish i could go to a lab and get all checked out, i assume that would be expensive. I cant imagine my BMR is all that dif than the norm. I walk around a lot at the office (i am in a car alot tho) and i fidget like crazy, i dont sit still well. I live on the 4th floor( no elevator) and go up and down several times a day. I would think most of that would even it out.
  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    Have you tried a Heart Rate Monitor to get a more accurate calorie burn? That is what I use when I work out. I have a naturally high resting heart rate, (genetic) so I bought one to get a more accurate number.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Having only a little to lose, 0.5lbs a week is a more realistic weight loss goal.

    Additionally, I noticed you aren't tracking your weekends... this is a BAD idea. With only a little to lose, you have little wiggle room.

    Track your weekends, shoot for 0.5lbs a week loss.

    Cutting carbs is not your answer. You will lose weight sure, but it will be water, not fat.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Science would say you almost certainly can't be in starvation mode at 1300-1400 + 'eating back'. It's a lot more likely that you're overestimating your activity and underestimating your intake and accidentally eating at maintenance. You have very little to lose? There's not a lot of wiggle room when in that situation.

    Actually agreeing too!

    Possible too much cardio as well.

    Full Moon?

    And props to Amy for the post!

    To further build on Mcarters statement, 1400+cals from cardio would bring you closer to 1800ish.
    It's possible you just need to adjust your routine a little.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I've hit a couple of plateaus on my fitness journey, and each time got progress going again when I increased my calories. I found this topic to be very helpful:

    Lots of good info there, and tools to help you determine how much you should be eating, and what the high and low 'boundaries' should be. I found it to be a great companion to the tools here at MFP. Check it out!

    Also, I think getting a heart rate monitor helped me out a lot - much more accurate than the calorie burns MFP gives me.

    This. It will crystalize what you need to do. I have started losing again after upping my calories following the road map. Good Luck
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm in a similar pickle so i want to bump this as well.

    I'm 29 and have been stuck for a month. I think I will switch up my workouts if I can wedge that into my tightly packed schedule and switch to the .5 lb a week thing and see what happens.
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    Having only a little to lose, 0.5lbs a week is a more realistic weight loss goal.

    Additionally, I noticed you aren't tracking your weekends... this is a BAD idea. With only a little to lose, you have little wiggle room.

    Track your weekends, shoot for 0.5lbs a week loss.

    Cutting carbs is not your answer. You will lose weight sure, but it will be water, not fat.

    yes guilty! im usually off with my boyfriend and eating god knows what. I will start tracking, although if anything i think i am under on wekends. this past weekend we were out on a boat and i just had a small turkey sandwich (no cheese, mustard) a protein bar and a banana. we go out on the boat a lot and itshard to plan ahead!