Will i lose weight walking?



  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think it's definitely possible. I've just added a Leslie Sansone walking DVD to my routine and I was surprised how many calories I can burn with it, based on my heart rate monitor readings. But as others have said, it does depend on intensity. I suggest getting yourself a heart rate monitor to keep tabs on your calories burned.
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Keep your diet in check and you'll lose regardless.
    When I first started my weight loss journey 60lb ago, I was eating properly and walked only 20-30 min every second day at 3.0mph and was losing.

    Good luck.
  • Pixie_star1234
    Pixie_star1234 Posts: 55 Member
    I walked yesterday for an hour and a half and I burned around 600 calories. Of course it helps if you walk faster than just a normal walk. Try and walk for over an hour a day and that will help a lot. Walking is a great form of exercise.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    the short answer is yes, on condition you carry on with attending to your diet.

    But more importantly, you are being outside rather than in an air-conditioned gym. Studies have shown that being outside reduces depression and stress, increases absorption of Vitamin D, creates greater awareness of the world around us and promotes happiness and general wellbeing.

    Who wouldn't want that?
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    oh gosh yes you can. i do live in Yorkshire which is famous for its hills but some days i can burn over 400calories in just over an hour. I use a HRM which is more exact than those given on mfp. I know plenty others who have walked of considerable amounts of weight.
  • wendye1960
    wendye1960 Posts: 54 Member
    It greatly depends on how far, often and how vigorously you walk. Walking does not burn that many calories and the margins between that and your diet would most likely be very thin so I wouldn't expect you to lose much weight if any at all. It would greatly improve your chances of weight loss if you just kick that walk up to a light jog. I suggest you plot out a few runs you like and calculate how many calories you would burn on those when walking vs. light jog vs. vigorous jog. Once you have a good idea of how many calories you can burn doing it then you can add that to the deficit you create with your diet and possibly see some nice weight loss.

    In any case, good luck on your jogs! :)

    Sorry I have to disagree with you here. Most of my work outs are walking I do, do other things when I have time and can get the lounge to myself to get a dvd on or the wii fit etc. I can't do high impact so don;t jog as I have rheumatoid arthritis. The 17.5 pounds I have lost so far is over an eleven week period and it averages out at 1.59 pounds a week. I haven't had a week without loss so far though it has varied but then so has the amount of walking I've done. I'm not saying that it doesn't help if you walk faster but it can be done at moderate pace too. I have kept to my diet and very rarely have gone over my goals, though I do try and make sure I'm over the 1200 net figure or near to it anyway.

    I look at it this way I may not always get time to do other activities but I always get some walking into my day and any activity is better then nothing.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I did and have and will maintain with walking. Walking is better than sitting. I have days that I only get 3 - 10 minute walks in, other days where I walk for 3 hours. I use a nike fuel band and it records it all day. I sleep better when I hit 10,000 steps.

    One thing I do when I walk is I am very aware of my posture. When I stand, I make sure I don't slump or lean on one foot .. part of the yoga training ( I do 15 minutes of yoga stands first thing in the morning, hoping to incorporate more starting with classes on Saturday)
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Of course you can lose weight walking, but you have to realise once you start it’s a gateway drug to other more ‘hard core’ exercise.
    One that can do you nothing but good, first off you start with a gentle walk, then after a few months, you’re just not getting the hit you did, so you try just a little more, walking and soon you doing it like three or four times a week. Soon even that will not be enough, so you start to carry weights, or a water bottle. Before you know it, you’re buying clothes that you only wear for walking and maybe even a bag to carry extra weight or water in.

    Before you know it, you cannot even go a few days without a long sneaky walk. You’ll go on holiday and have to find somewhere you can ‘walk’.
    It will inevitably lead to jogging slowing, and then you are on the long slippery rode to become a runner.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member

    Walking is so underestimated!!!!! The calorie burn between slow jogging and fast walking is virtually indistiguishable, plus you have the benefit of it being non impact, which is kinder on your joints when you're still a bit heavier.

    We walk a lot, a lot off-road, woodland trails, grassy hills, proper hiking. But even just walking at a decent pace around your neighbourhood will do you good.

    I would reckon you doing 5-6 miles a day most days will do you more good than someone doing twice weekly spurts going mad on a cross trainer.
  • hanneberries
    hanneberries Posts: 119 Member
    Of course you can lose weight walking, but you have to realise once you start it’s a gateway drug to other more ‘hard core’ exercise.
    One that can do you nothing but good, first off you start with a gentle walk, then after a few months, you’re just not getting the hit you did, so you try just a little more, walking and soon you doing it like three or four times a week. Soon even that will not be enough, so you start to carry weights, or a water bottle. Before you know it, you’re buying clothes that you only wear for walking and maybe even a bag to carry extra weight or water in.

    Before you know it, you cannot even go a few days without a long sneaky walk. You’ll go on holiday and have to find somewhere you can ‘walk’.
    It will inevitably lead to jogging slowing, and then you are on the long slippery rode to become a runner.
