My aunt wants me to fast!



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Is this a stunt post? You're netting in the low hundreds to at most 1000 calories a day. Tell your mom you're already fasting. And when she's not looking start eating a healthy amount.

    LOL that you hid your diary after this.
  • Get_Me_Fit1
    Get_Me_Fit1 Posts: 194
    That type of fasting has nothing to do with weight loss/health, it's usually something you do while you are focusing on prayer, ect... Fasting (for spiritual purposes) is also a very personal thing, and if you don't feel drawn to do it and don't believe in it, there's not much point. That being said, since this is a weight loss forum with a lot of non-christians and people who might not understand the purpose, you may receive a lot of mixed responses on this. I have blood sugar issues, so when I fast I usually don't fast more than a meal at a time or I will "fast" something else (like a certain food or activity that I'm used to doing all the time). There are lots of different ways to do it that will have the same purpose.

    I didn't mean for it to be a personal thing or religious thing. It's just that fasting may hurt my weightloss, (which is why i posted it under General diet and WEIGHTLOSS help) which will hurt my diet, and so I asked you guys your opinion. I'm not focusing so much on the religion part, more on the diet part. Really, i didn't mean for it to be focused on anything else but the weightless part.
  • Get_Me_Fit1
    Get_Me_Fit1 Posts: 194
    Is this a stunt post? You're netting in the low hundreds to at most 1000 calories a day. Tell your mom you're already fasting. And when she's not looking start eating a healthy amount.

    LOL that you hid your diary after this.
    Yeah I hid my diary because that hurt me :s