The "Why bother I'll Just Gain it Back" Mentality

How do you stop the negative self talk that says: why bother losing the weight? You've lost it in the past and always gained it back...?

Truth is, I've lost weight numerous times in my life and I'm always very successful at LOSING it but I' ve never been very successful at KEEPING IT OFF. And since it is a lot of work to lose it, it is very discouraging to see it come back on. My weight crept up over the past few years and I never bothered to lose if because I kept telling myself that I would just gain it all back anyway. I had kind of resigned myself to just being fa but I got REALLY tired of looking fat and started worrying about the impact to my health, so I decided to lose it once and for all. And I'm doing pretty well - I've lost 10 of 50 pounds that I need to lose.

But... that negative "you're only going to gain it back" voice keeps nagging me. How to stop it?!


  • elexichoccyeater
    elexichoccyeater Posts: 310 Member
    Throw your clothes out as they get to big! And keep on here even when you are at your ideal weight... I know that I may have to log for the rest of my life as I just cannot be trusted lol xxxx
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    You need to make it a lifestyle choice, not just while you're trying to lose weight.

    Once you lose the weight, it means your body has adjusted to your diet,

    e.g. If my diet now makes me skinny, I must keep this diet to stay skinny.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    That's why I have the attitude this time around I'm not going to do anything to lose weight that I cannot do the rest of my life. On Monday, I will celebrate my year with MFP. I started my journey about 1 week before so I'm right at a year. In one year, I have lost 30 pounds (26 with MFP.) My loss has been slow compared to others and I still have a long way to go (60 pounds). However, I no longer worry about gaining it back. I have increased my activity with stuff I enjoy and concentrate on eating more healthy.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    you can't just go back to your old ways once you reach your goal weight. this is a lifestyle change. healthy diet and exercise is forever
  • 2Shar
    2Shar Posts: 26 Member
    You need to make it a lifestyle choice, not just while you're trying to lose weight.

    Once you lose the weight, it means your body has adjusted to your diet,

    e.g. If my diet now makes me skinny, I must keep this diet to stay skinny.


    Every change I make to my diet plan, has this question attached to it:
    Am I willing/able to never have "X" again. If the answer is yes, then off the list you go.
    If the answer is NO.. well then, what do I have to do to keep you in my life? I adjust accordingly when I want "X" in my life.

    I don't want to lose all my weight, then have to add stuff back. I might as well learn TODAY, how to deal with it.. Slow and steady will win this race for me..
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I totally understand what you mean! Why bother im just going to gain all it back anyways etc.

    One of the things I do is Im not allowed to talk negative about myself AT ALL! No negative self talk at all... its so hard at first since I am so hard on myself! If I say one negative thing about how I look or anything I have to say 3 things postive about myself LOL... it really gets old after while :)!

    I honestly believe that what we tell ourselves is very powerful and that it has the power to change how we feel about ourselves. I have noticed in the last 2 months since I stopped the negative tape recorder messages in my head I have felt SO much better about myself and Im even starting to like myself for the first time in my adult life :)!
  • ifyouwanttosingout
    I'm in the same boat. Lost & gained a lot and not someone that likes to watch calories or exercise. Something to remember is, now that you've made yourself aware of your habits and mentality, you have the power to change it.

    Personally, I vowed to get back on MFP if I reach my goal and then gain 5lbs of it back. I'll catch myself a lot earlier in the game, in the event I start to gain after I lose.