Any Breastfeeding Moms?

I had my newest baby on April 30th and I'm exclusively breastfeeding. I have been working out and watching what I eat for 5 weeks now, and I'm not losing weight, I've actually gained 5 lbs. My husband says its because I have been so sedentary that my body has to build muscle first, which is why I'm gaining and not losing. I want to lose all of my baby weight from my older too boys, so I have 105 lbs I need to drop. All I know is that I'm struggling to stay positive. Obviously since I'm breastfeeding I can't take any supplements to try and help drop the weight. Anyone else in this situation or already experienced it? What did you do to jump start your weight loss? Or how are you keeping your chin up?

Thanks ladies!


  • snarf432
    snarf432 Posts: 91 Member
    I am right there with you. I have about 70 lbs to lose and am just had my baby 1 month before you. I am also exclusively breastfeeding. This is a source of struggle for me because i also can't take supplements etc but am trying to keep it going. I joined Planet Fitness when my baby turned 3 months old and I have lost 12 lbs I joined this site after I lost 5, so my total from here is 7lbs lost. It has been really hard for me to remain positive and I had the same problem you did in the begining.

    The thing that helped me the most was cutting sugar out of my diet. Like completely~! It is the most horrible thing i have ever done...i'll be honest. There are days that I fail w/ the sugar, and thoes are the days that I will not lose anything. I have gone w/ no sugar for days and watched the scale go down...then feeling so happy, i indulge a little and its a slippery slope for me. SIGH.

    I have been only using my IPhone app for this trackgin, but have decided to join the community as a way of inspiration. I am praying it helps becuase I feel sad looking at myself in the mirror every single day.

    Keep strong :smile: ,