Gluten Free

Hi there,
I'm looking for some support here on Gluten Free diet.. I have recently just started this diet under the advise of my Dr. I have been online and reading a lot on this.. many people lose weight others have gained.. If you are doing this due to having either a celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. please let me know what is working for you.. I have just been told I have a gluten sensitivity and I'm already changing my diet, (BTW - I already run 3-5x a week... 3-5 miles depending on my time alotted) I'm soooo affraid to gain weight I need to LOSE NOT GAIN...


  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    I've been eating a gluten-free diet for the past three weeks because I think I have a gluten sensitivity. I'm feeling better, so I plan to stick with it. I've read several websites and bought a few books to get me headed in the right direction. "Gluten Free Quick & Easy" by Carol Fenster, Ph.D. has 200+ recipes and the few I've tried so far are really tasty. She's written some other cookbooks of wheat-free recipes, and I think I came across her name in some of the websites I visited.

    I'm also doing the Reader's Digest Diet, and that doesn't include very much bread or processed foods, so it's been an easier transition for me. I've lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks, if that helps allay your fears.

    When I first started reading about all the things that contain gluten I felt overwhelmed at the thought of doing this, but as i started reading and looking at food labels in the grocery store I began to feel like it would be possible. I also am a bread-lover, big time, and everyone complains about how awful gluten-free bread is. That will be something I will have to explore a little more once I get to a place where I might be able to incorporate some bread back into my diet. But for now, it's not an issue since I'm concentrating on fruits/veges, protein, and dairy.

    I'm new to MFP, and am looking for friends, and a GF friend would be great. Feel free to add me, if you want.:happy:
  • mel7261
    mel7261 Posts: 15
    I just started doing gluten for the same reason my dr. recommended it. This is my 3rd day and I have to tell you I feel amazing and I have lost 3lbs so far. Which I haven't been exercising because I haven't had time but I have been keeping track of calories. I have actually been less hungry as well. I am just happy to be feeling better the weight starting to come off is an added benefit at this point! Hope this helps!
  • mel7261
    mel7261 Posts: 15
    I meant gluten free
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    I have been gluten-free since last November. I lost seven pounds without trying (in about four months). I don't think you need to worry about gaining as long as you don't substitute some high-sugar items for the gluten items you are replacing. In my house we go by the saying "just because it's gluten-free doesn't mean it's good for me" as it was really easy to just try and replace the gluten items with non-gluten items (like breads, cookies, etc). I do have the occasional gluten-free replacement item for a treat but it is not part of my daily routine. Read your labels and watch for hidden sugars and you will be just fine. Especially with as active as you already are.

    There's also a gluten-free group here on mfp. You can get a lot of support and information there too.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I went gluten free a little bit over a month ago. I was feeling hungry all the time and having digestive issues. I am so glad I finally took the the leap. The first week I lost 7lbs of water weight and I am feeling so much better. I am still learning myself, but feel free to add me.