Teen in need of help, please help me :(

Hey guys, ok so ive been going to the gym for 5 months now, and ive gone through numerous injuries, in which i have all self-recovered on my own. So yesterday i was doing Tricep pushdowns, and i was training VERY intense [it was the beggining of my workout] and i felt this EXTREMLY painful pain in the back of my head, around my neck. Sort of like a migraine, but worse. I was doing arms so i fought through the pain and had a succesful workout. I figured it was just a fluke accident, after the pain subsided when i got home, so i took an aleve and had a nice night sleep. Today, i took my pre workout[as i did yesterday] and i went into the gym, got onto my DB shoulder press, and BAM the pain came back EVEN WORSE than yesterday, i felt like i was going to die right there. I put the weights down and went on the elyptical nice and slow and got through some cardio. The pain just subsided about 2 hours ago, so it lasted about 7 hours this time. I took an aleve again, and am taking one again soon. Im going to take a week off, and just do some light cardio, but does anyone know what this can be? I did research and i think its an Exertion Headache, anybody have any experiences with this before that can help?


  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    I have two pieces of advice, that I'm pretty sure you're not going to listen to (I probably wouldn't), but I'm just going to throw them out anyway.

    1. Do not heavily rely on ANY information that you get on some random forum. Especially if you health is involved.

    2. Be careful with self diagnosis. Even if you do lots of research, you can never be really sure.

    If at all possible, go to a doctor and let them diagnose you and give you advice. Especially something that sounds as bad as you describe it. Make sure you are taking care of yourself properly.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    Go to a doctor.
    After you recover from your injuries, find a trainer or someone who can make sure you're doing your lifts correctly. You should not be getting injured lifting weights. There's something seriously wrong with what you're doing if you've been injured multiple times in 5 months.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    See a doctor.
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    See a doctor, but what I think might help is doing stretches, there's a great arm stretch at the beginning of cassie ho's stretching video. It's a must before and after EVERY workout, no matter what you're doing. It's on youtube under pop pilates stretches
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Go to a doctor.
    After you recover from your injuries, find a trainer or someone who can make sure you're doing your lifts correctly. You should not be getting injured lifting weights. There's something seriously wrong with what you're doing if you've been injured multiple times in 5 months.

    This! 1. Doctor 2. Trainer