jillian michaels killer buns and thighs schedule

I just bought the Jillian Michales buns and thighs and i am wondering what schedule should i follow? like what days i should do it or when i should advance to the next level? please help!!!


  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Have you started with this yet? I started last week and have done level 1 - 5 times. Today I am going to move to level 2. I am seeing a difference already.

    Except for the day I work with my trainer, this is the only workout I have been doing lately although I have though about adding some other cardio to do with it.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I did it the first time yesterday (level 1) OMG I am so SORE and my legs are actually a bit swollen because my muscles got such a good workout!!! You'll love it. Go at your own pace. :)

    I'm doing a rotation of her DVDs since I can't afford her Body Revolution program: Day 1 6 Week 6 Pack Day 2 30 Day Shred Day 3 Ripped in 30 Day 4 Yoga Meltdown Day 5 Killer buns and Thighs Day 6 Kickbox Fast Fix and Day 7 REST day. I'm going to do all level 1 for the first month, level 2 second month and level 3 third month with the last week of each month being my 'Recovery' week and only doing light cardio and yoga those weeks. This will hopefully get me the body I want LOL Maybe you can do a rotation of some of her DVDs too - just so your not bored and so your body doesn't get used to doing the same workouts everyday....?
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all,

    I just started level 1 as well - itd be great to hear how everyone is getting on!

    I do like the jillian-rotation system idea - hardcore though!